From deep within the bowels of the FifeMaster Flash's leak-laden account of Justin Trudeau's apparent coming resignation in Sunday's online version of the Globe and (nolongerEmpire) Mail:
The behind-the-red-curtain machinations of Marky Mark aside, could it be all that marvellous Sorbonne-assisted french that catapulted Ms. Clark up on to the bottom rung of Mr. Fife's illustrious ladder?
From deep within the bowels of the FifeMaster Flash's leak-laden account of Justin Trudeau's apparent coming resignation in Sunday's online version of the Globe and (nolongerEmpire) Mail:
...Liberal candidates who are possible leadership contenders: Ms. Freeland, Mr. LeBlanc, former housing minister Sean Fraser, Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly, Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne, Transport Minister Anita Anand, former central banker Mark Carney and former B.C. premier Christy Clark...
The behind-the-red-curtain machinations of Marky Mark aside, could it be all that marvellous Sorbonne-assisted french that catapulted Ms. Clark up on to the bottom rung of Mr. Fife's illustrious ladder?
Leak-laden?...Well, given that there were five anonymous sources underpinning the Fife Master's story, how else to describe it?
Klout Klub?...This!
Klout Klub?...This!
Your link, bottom line: "Just like, say, Kamala Harris."
Imagine that!"
Kamala Harris Lost, therefore Christy Clark will too
I remember some years ago, Laila Yuille, listed "100 reasons to not vote for the B.C. Lieberals". I'd suggest some one ask her to re print it with a slight change: 100 reasons to vote elected Christy Clark as the leader of the federal Liberal party.
Who can forget her $750 dollar breakfast while travelling on government business, in Hong Kong: Her line about the need to deduct child support from a parent's disability cheque nickel for nickel. Disability at the time paid $1,200 a month. christy said the province needed the $14M they clawed back. That was less than her P.R. budget at the time.
All that money laundering in B.C., gee perhaps she can extend that to all of Canada and make a lot of not so nice people happy.
I went back and skimmed through your post you linked at the end of this post about the initial s.b.d. gassy thoughts from clark on joining the coming liberal leadership fray. Reading my post and all the others from that saved me the time doing it again here.
e.a.f. is right, the Yuille list should be required reading.
But Christy is not a Liberal.
Liberal in Name Only, LiNO.
Trudeau the younger has now resigned as he became nothing more than a "legend in his own mind" and ended up paying "Dane-geld" to all who moaned in his new "Post national Canada".
Canada is like the Titanic, steaming full speed ahead into a dangerous Trumpian ice field, loaded with economic icebergs.
The "Wee P" has zero experience in these murky waters and if the good ship Canada crashes into an iceberg, you can grantee the Conservatives will take to the lifeboats and leave the rest of us to go down with the ship.
Christy Clark, the "Mavin of Pay to Play", would rob the ship's safe before taking off on her private lifeboat, leaving the women and children to fend for themselves. It's called pay to play.
The only one, I think, that can steer the good ship Canada is Freeland, because she has dealt with the Trumpian Icebergs before and Trumpians are afraid of her in fact hate her - and this is what Canada needs now.
As for the steerage NDP, put Singh on a lifeboat pronto and elect Charlie Angus fast to lead that bunch.
Canada is at a crossroads, either stay the course with Freeland or sail blindly into Quisling Land with the "Wee P".
I tis now all bout not hitting the Trumpian iceberg, but surviving it.
I'm getting sick of the ongoing panic over Trump's bullshit statements.
He has a history of being full of bluster while rarely actually doing anything. A lot of noise while he makes the very wealthy even richer. His bullshit distracting the masses while he fucks them over.
As far as the Liberals are concerned, I was very unhappy when Trudeau jr. was convinced to run for the leader. His hair and teeth saved the Liberal party.
I was hoping for The Libs to be wiped out and the NDP to become the 2nd party with eventual power. Maybe we will get lucky this time.
Btw, it's time for Mr. Singh to be pushed aside. He seems like a nice guy but a terrible politician.
It was the American media's ignoring his "bluster" that helped propel him into the presidency.
Look, he is an international leader of a now decaying democracy and we should believe him and what he says, if not, never believe a word out of the USA ever again.
Democracy in North America is on a death spiral and the incoherent verbiage from the now 34 count Felon Mango Mussolini, should be taken as fact, whether one wants to believe it or not.
Yes, he should be heeded. Because like a pathological virus, he has mutated and “learned” what held him relatively in check when he infected the White House last time. He now has nominated the scariest bunch of unfit and conflicted ass-kissers to do his handiwork that one could imagine. What’s left of the free press has been bought and severely compromised, and sycophantic oligarchs have taken over social media; one of the pillars of democracy is therefore crumbling.
Are the rest of the pillars and their inherent institutions (which are also being infected) capable of effectively resisting? If ever there is someone that will test them, he just got elected and thinks he has a mandate to do so. A psychotic mind drunk on power. What could possibly go wrong?
Dangerous times for all.
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