Sunday, January 12, 2025

Career Opportunitist, The One Who Always Knocks.


Nevermind the con-party membership thing for the moment.

Instead, let's consider where Ms. Christy Clark was and what was she doing when she endorsed Jean Charest for the Conservative Party of Canada leadership in August of 2022.

The following is from a piece by Lindsay Campbell in iPolitics at from that time:

...At a conference held on Thursday (in Edmonton) by the centre-right organization Centre Ice Conservatives, Clark spoke about how there’s a need for a centrist party that’s willing to unite the country and listen to the opinions of all Canadians...


...Clark, a keynote speaker for the conference, told attendees that as politicians move toward the fringes, Centre Ice Conservatives are part of “a special kind of activism” to preserve a middle political path and “bring Canada back together.”...

And what is Ms. Clark's 'special kind of activism' bit all about?


...Though Clark said politicians, in general, don’t know how to have constructive dialogue and listen to opposing views, she specifically put (Justin) Trudeau on blast for the way he approached the convoy protests and people opposed to vaccines...


Now I get it, it's all about that third way(ish), anti-woke, compassionate centrist conservatism.

Or some such thing.


In addition to agreeing to be their keynote speaker Ms. Clark doubled down and became a member of the Centre Ice Conservative's 'advisory council'.

But then, about a year later in the fall of 2023, when those same fine folks first dropped the term conservative from their moniker and then turned themselves into a brand new soccer ball-free national political party called 'Canadian Future', Ms. Clark lost all courage of any actual convictions she originally had (or did not have) and was nowhere to be found.

Natasha Bulowski of the National Observer had that story at the time:

...Canadian Future will be headed by a national council with a representative from each province and territory and it intends to hold a founding convention in 2024. The Centre Ice Canadians sports a team webpage that includes former Conservative MP Peter Kent and former Conservative Senate leader Marjory LeBreton. Former B.C. premier Christy Clark was once listed on the organization’s advisory council but is no longer there and did not return a request for comment...

So, what changed such that, suddenly, Ms. Clark was once again a life long Liberal?

I reckon it just might have something to do with Ms. Clark's oft-demonstrated penchant for being a career opportunist of the highest order.

Otherwise known as being, essentially, the anti-Strummer...

And who started up this centrist conservative thingy in the first place?...Why, none other than a guy who was once a BC Liberal bagman and Falconator backer named Rick Peterson who later went all in with the pre-Rustadian BC Cons. 
And yes, Mrs. Griffiths, the spelling mistake in the header was on purpose.


1 comment:

Evil Eye said...

“They are Man's and they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”

After Gordon Campbell coup d'etat of the BC Liberal Party a now deceased Aunt (well 2nd cousin), who married into Vancouver society, spoke of Kevin Falcon and Christy Clark, recited the above quote from Charles dickens a Christmas Carol, when I asked her about Campbell and his mob.

She was an old school Liberal, whom absolutely detested Campbell (due to his many affairs and duplicity), but she held a special distaste for Clark and Falcon who were, according to her, the worst of carpet baggers.

Falcon has destroyed all visage of the BC Liberals and nay hope for a new real BC Liberal party. But Clark, she complete disdain (can't print what she thought of her, other that she was a career opportunist) but she thought she was a danger to the province.

Falcon is a cooked goose, with zero electoral cred and in fact there are now questions in polite Liberal circles, as where did the money go?

But Clark is on a different level, a Trumpian level of grift, deceit and opportunity, with zero credibility.

The eye is the "black sheep" of the family, but growing up I have been the proverbial fly on the wall and what the "fly" has seen and heard, treat Clark like she was infected with flesh eating disease.