Friday, February 14, 2025

Democracy, Sort Of.


If you need to step back from the the onslaught and are looking for perspective on what is going on down south, the piece to read a piece in Foreign Policy titled 'The Path to American Authoritarianism' by academics Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way.

Essentially, Levitsky and Way predict that the United States is well on its way down a path they call 'competitive authoritarianism' which will ultimately lead to democracy of a sort:

...U.S. democracy will likely break down during the second Trump administration, in the sense that it will cease to meet standard criteria for liberal democracy: full adult suffrage, free and fair elections, and broad protection of civil liberties.

The breakdown of democracy in the United States will not give rise to a classic dictatorship in which elections are a sham and the opposition is locked up, exiled, or killed. Even in a worst-case scenario, Trump will not be able to rewrite the Constitution or overturn the constitutional order. He will be constrained by independent judges, federalism, the country’s professionalized military, and high barriers to constitutional reform. There will be elections in 2028, and Republicans could lose them.
But authoritarianism does not require the destruction of the constitutional order. What lies ahead is not fascist or single-party dictatorship but competitive authoritarianism—a system in which parties compete in elections but the incumbent’s abuse of power tilts the playing field against the opposition. Most autocracies that have emerged since the end of the Cold War fall into this category, including Alberto Fujimori’s Peru, Hugo Chávez’s Venezuela, and contemporary El Salvador, Hungary, India, Tunisia, and Turkey. 

Under competitive authoritarianism, the formal architecture of democracy, including multiparty elections, remains intact. Opposition forces are legal and aboveground, and they contest seriously for power. Elections are often fiercely contested battles in which incumbents have to sweat it out. And once in a while, incumbents lose, as they did in Malaysia in 2018 and in Poland in 2023. But the system is not democratic, because incumbents rig the game by deploying the machinery of government to attack opponents and co-opt critics. Competition is real but unfair...

And how and why would this happen?

Well, essentially, the weaponization of the state would force many to give in:

...Although Trump’s critics won’t be jailed, exiled, or banned from politics, the heightened cost of public opposition will lead many of them to retreat to the political sidelines. In the face of FBI investigations, tax audits, congressional hearings, lawsuits, online harassment, or the prospect of losing business opportunities, many people who would normally oppose the government may conclude that it simply is not worth the risk or effort.

This process of self-sidelining may not attract much public attention, but it can be highly consequential. Facing looming investigations, promising politicians—Republicans and Democrats alike—leave public life. CEOs seeking government contracts, tariff waivers, or favorable antitrust rulings stop contributing to Democratic candidates, funding civil rights or democracy initiatives, and investing in independent media. News outlets whose owners worry about lawsuits or government harassment rein in their investigative teams and their most aggressive reporters. Editors engage in self-censorship, softening headlines and opting not to run stories critical of the government. And university leaders fearing government investigations, funding cuts, or punitive endowment taxes crack down on campus protest, remove or demote outspoken professors, and remain silent in the face of growing authoritarianism...


I'm not sure that last part even needs an insightful academic crystal ball to illuminate the future given that it already appears to be happening.

Regardless, Levitsky's and Way's piece is well worth reading in its entirety, and bookmarking for posterity if and when CanuckiStanMikitaVille starts to take on all the finest characteristics of, say, the current Hungarian regime



GarFish said...

Some would say we've been there for years, except now the curtain has been pulled aside, and everybody's working in the sausage factory.

Evil Eye said...

I am going to repeat something that the Tyee thought too controversial back in 218 or 19 and had it removed.

I am officially banned from the Tyee for making the following statement; "The bicycle lobby has done more long term damage to transportation, than good.

The second Trump administration will impose 1920's American Jim Crow laws and ignore the constitution completely. Republican appointed judges will side with the Trump Government causing splits with old allies and friends and maybe even imperil NATO.

Trump's Fascist followers will create havoc including "Kristallnacht" type events with anti Fascist demonstrations to follow. These demonstrations will be brutally put down by both the local armed Trump supporting militias and the trump supporting police.

As inherent racism will define the many killed, jailed or just disappeared, the demonstrations become far more violent making Detroit's "black day in July" look like a minor incident.

As the violence and associated death toll rises, the military will be called to put down the protesters hiding behind pseudo military law and when the tanks, largely manned by black/Hispanic soldiers train their guns on largely black and Hispanic protesters, will they obey orders or instead train their guns on their superiors as what happened in Moscow and Bucharest in the 90's.

From the storming of the American capitol in 2021 and now the Trump reelection and his medieval style retribution and the defying of law, now now seems what I inked and banned in 2018 has a damn good chance of coming true by 2028.

As i have stated before, it is time for Canada (seriously) to go nuclear.

Trailblazer said...

In other words it will be, in the US, business as usual.
The sad thing is that they have exported their bastardised version of democracy to the rest of the world.
Fortunately it would seem that Canada got the wake up call and is reacting appropriately.


Anonymous said...

Any government (Liberals in our case) that keeps disarming its citizens. Is only setting us up for take over (Trump). History repeats itself.

JP said...

I agree, and have for decades said that we need nukes to keep our sovereignty.

You are all over this and I thank you for it.

RossK said...

They do go through historical examples in the piece Gar, but the extent of what's going on now is much more concerted and extreme.


RossK said...


Is not what is happening right now re: Ukraine a danger to NATO?

RossK said...

I dunno TB--

Levitsky and Way make a pretty good argument that the US'ians are following Hungary and Turkey, etc., in this specific case.


RossK said...


Sorry, but I don't see the historical precedent.


Evil Eye said...

Actually I think it is. Trump's pardon of the revolutionary mob of, his "brownshirts" so to speak of 2021, has sent chills through the GOP and beyond.

Remember, these were the folks that was going to hang Pence if they had a chance. Remember, the rule of law is gone in the USA, gone due to a corrupted Supreme court.

As for Ukraine, it is a side show for Trump, to pay fealty to Putin who he thinks is "great man". Ukraine isn't going anywhere fast has they have rewritten how to wage war and are doing it very well.

Today, the big danger for NATO is a corrupted USA, where Russian assets now control large parts of government.

Another bit of insanity, Trump and the GOP are now stopping vaccinations for children as racial/evangelical hate/eugenics are now how things operate today.

Watch for the rise of polio and a host of other once thought defeated diseases. Time to close the border, unless one is well vaccinated.

Canada should consider itself at war and should plan for such, because the world has an out of control emperor wannabe; a second emperor wannabe as vice president and a religious nutter, 3rd in line to be president.

What could go wrong?

P.S.: Does anyone else thinks that the human race is nothing more than a controlled experiment by aliens and we are all holograms? Hollywood could not have written such an unbelievable script.

Evil Eye said...

Mr, Anon, utter nonsense from the "Maple MAGA" department.

From the 2000–01 to 2021–22 school years, there were 1,375 school shootings at public and private elementary and secondary schools, resulting in 515 deaths and 1,161 injuries.

Sort of tells why Canada has strict gun laws.

Norm Farrell said...

NRA supporters have long argued that an armed citizenry prevents unelected people from taking over government. Yet as Musk and his fanboys ravage the U.S. federal government, gun lovers still prefer to target family and friends. (One in five American adults have a family member who was killed by a gun.)

e.a.f. said...

Thank you for printing the information and how to access the rest of the article.
EE makes interesting points. I'd agree the scenario he paints, could happen. When trump was coming down the escalator with Melina the sibling said, he is going to be elected and this is not going to end well for any of us.
When trump was re elected, this is what I thought would happen. Its not surprise to me when you look at his family history and how he treated others going back to the decades he was bankrupt. Any body who stiffs a small plumbing company for $8K is a real piece of work. Michael Cohen was quite clear about Trump's attitude and what he was capable of. Americans and the Republicans especially didn't listen.
Canada is not quite ready to deal with a U.S.A. which maybe waging war within their own borders and chase others into our country. from the time I was in elementary school and received my first globe I knew we were not in a great place if the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. went at it.
The suggestion of Canada acquiring nuclear bombs, Yes, I agree. You don't need to use them, you just have to have them. Recall when Israel acquired theirs. it was reported they had 10 of them at the beginning. Seemed like a good move.
It is hard to know if citizens will reject Trump's/Musk's impending changes. If they do, who would actually lead such an organized "event". If Canada is to remain a civilized country, we really do need to get our act together and that includes having an improved military and some very heavy equipment or perhaps 10 nuclear bombs.
When Trump announced Musk and his W.C. boys were going to have a look at things, my concern was they were looking for something which we had not been advised about and they would be wrecking things also. Trump and Musk and his W.C. boys are creating havoc which will lead to a lot of confusion and people will be scattered in their approach to deal with it or fight back. Its a good strategy for Trump. Programs being cut which will cause people to panic. People having jobs and then nothing. There will be a great deal of poverty in the U.S.A. People will be trying to survive. One estimate is there will be 40K unemployed in Alabama with the cutting off of federal funds used in research. I'm sure by the time Musk is finished about half of the federal workers will be gone, as a min. Unemployment Insurance in the U.S.A. is state operated and many may not be able to pay people. The federal government won't be keen to pay the unemployed, with programs being cut, there won't be any agency to take care of them. When an other country becomes the strongest country in the world, Americans will only be able to blame themselves.

Grant G said...

Too many thoughts....Speak truth to words.

Trump is old, bitter, and quite deranged..

His only agenda is to tear down burn down and destroy everything..

Being a bigger section of the history books than Hitler was is Trump's only goal.

Everything else is gibberish.

Grant G said...

The quiet part out loud....The quiet part is no longer quiet, in fact the quiet part is now the new law of the land(s)