Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Shamelessness On Crack


Following up on the smearing of Michael J. Fox who has made campaign advertisements for U.S. candidates that support evidence-based science.

"So this is really shameless, folks, this is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting, one of the two."
Rush Limbaugh, Oct 23, 2006

The so-called issue, seized upon by Mr. Limbaugh and whirlitzered up by the other Screamers such that the mainstream media is now taking it seriously, is the fact that Mr. Fox is visibly shaking in the ads.

However, the fact of the matter is that the Parkinson's medication actually accentuates Mr. Fox's shaking.

Further, to the larger issue, which the mainstream media is also now hammering on thanks to the bleating of Mr. Limbaugh et al., here is what an actual neurosurgeon has to say.

Dr. John Boockvar, a neurosurgeon and assistant professor at Weill Cornell Medical Center at New York's Presbyterian Hospital, called Limbaugh's claim "ludicrous." Boockvar said those with Parkinson's have "on" and "off" spells.

"If there is one single disease that has the highest potential for benefit from stem cell research," Boockvar said Tuesday, "it's Parkinson's."

But, unfortunately, facts means nothing in the face of The Screamers and their viscious fictional onslaughts. Just google Mr. Fox and you will see what I mean.

And, as a number of folks have pointed out in the comments, this is only one tiny example of what's going on. Clearly, unless the so-called legitimate press receives an massive osteoprogenitor stem cell implant and suddenly grows a spine, we in North America will very soon wake-up and find that we are living in an 'Obfusca-mock-racy' in which we are led not by the tyranny of the majority but rather by a small, rabid pack of shameless liars.


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