This morning the googlebomb minefield forced me down this road:
Sometime during his first term Richard Nixon instructed hatchet man Charles 'Tex' Colson to develop a list of enemies to be, in his best Tricksonian vernacular, "screwed". The list quickly grew to upwards of 600 evildoers. You might think that it was filled to bursting with foreign dictators, commies, thugs, and killers. Not so.
For example, Paul Newman has said that his inclusion on the list is one of his greatest accomplishments.
Now, I have no doubt that the current group running the Screwhead Ministry has generated vast multitudes of Enemies Lists that stretch farther and wider than anything described in Woody Guthrie's 'This Land is Your Land' (and probably stretches back into the graves of long gone folk singers that scribbled 'this machine kills fascists' on their guitars).
And clearly, one of the tragedies of our age is the fact that so many politicos and journos are doing their very best to not end up on one of the intertwined multitudes lest it roughen their oh-so-smoothened lives.
That was written in early 2005, at a time when the Rovians' ability to make their own reality was at it's zenith:
''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''
My, how times have changed.
And I am convinced that the people of the United States owe the fever swamps of Left Blogistan a huge debt of gratitude for that change because it is they who got out there and did the heavy lifting in the beginning which opened up the holes in the line that the journos (see: Olbermann, Keith) and politicos (see: Webb, Jim) could then bust through for a first down and more (to use a football metaphor that Mistah Nixon himself always loved).
But that does mean that all the work is done in Left Blogistan.
Because now it is time for Canuckistan's swamp dwellers to storm out of the Zamboni room and start cleaning the ice for real.
Before it is too late and The Gnu's and/or The Dobranos destroy our environment while professing to save it as they simultaneously sell everything we own to the Carlyle Group.
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