Alison of Creekside has the story.
Here is her lede:
In two days, the deadline for public input into BC Hydro's request to log crown land slated for Provincial Park status above the Site C dam will close.
So why are you only just now hearing about this on a blog? Good question...
Go read it all and act if you feel that due process still matters around here.
NOAA: The Biggest Little Agency in America
56 minutes ago
My input included the fact I had no expectation there was anyone in the Ministry with either the authority or the backbone to do anything but rubber stamp what amounts to an order from the Office of the Premier and going along to get along is shameful.
Anyone in that Ministry responsible for refusing BC Hydro's application, including the Minister, would have an extremely short and dark future in BC's public service. This despite the fact the refusal would be in the public interest.
I sent off a reply to disallow such destruction.
being of reasonable intelligence, I feel sheepish not being aware of this
Me too.
Trust NOTHING. Trust NOBODY. We live in the greatest era of preception management in the history of mankind.
Trudeau set to nix Petronas(sources) Petronas wasn't going forward with FID anyway..
Reuters finally caught up to TSG
As the Sun" Ere it is risen, some times paints its Image in the atmosphere,,so often do the spirits Of great events stride on before great events, and in to-day already walks-tomorrow. I found Him in the shining of the stars,I marked Him in the flowering of His fields, But in His ways with men i find Him not:
Bread and circuses electioneering
Where are the logs going to be milled. I bet in china, as another mill closes in bc because they cant get enough logs. Take away there timber licences if there not milled here. Every day there are over 100 loads of logs passing through Hope heading to the docks. There was 55,000 union jobs in the sawmill industry when the Lieberals came to power. Now there are fewer than 19,000. There has been countless sawmills shut down in this time. Someone should see how many of these mills lost there annual allowable cut permits. I bet not one, they still have them, and this is where the logs for china are coming from. Check out Weyerhaeuser, they used to have 9 sawmills in bc now they have one. But they still have there permits. Good luck Merritt, keep electing Liberals and this is what you get. Thats all right they can open another cafe or Timm Hortons and create some more minimum wage jobs. Wake up people of B.C.
Same old. Same old. The con is always on.
I always expect the worst from these pigs. They constantly exceed expectations, in a bad way!
This reminds me of an immigrant friend from Kenya. He wanted to understand our political landscape. Canada has such a squeaky clean rep abroad. After paying close attention for a few months, he said to me "It's much better at home. At least there it's obvious who you need to bribe to get things done, and everybody knows it"
These days 'round here I think it's pretty darned obvious to whom you have to pay your money down to.
To play, I mean.
I think he was referring to the masses in general, opposed to the few of us here that are paying attention.
Point taken LG.
A large portion of the wood logged(autocorrect says looted) on the south bank above the mouth of the Moberly River that was so vitally important to be cut down, that a temporary bridge on the Moberly was installed and subsequently removed, a court injunction was issued to remove some campers from the Rocky Mountain Fort Heritage Site, is laying in decks rotting. The cottonwood has sprouted and is growing new shoots, so the merchantable potential is probably zero. Recent photos clearly illustrate the decks turning green.
The campers that were at the Rocky Mtn Fort site said there was no need to log the site and with the waste of wood being seen obviously they were correct.
Work is proceeding on the "permanent" bridge on the Moberly as a result of the issuance of the August long weekend federal permits. As freeze up approaches there was no need to proceed with the logging last spring, and it could have been delayed until after the federal Appeal court ruling.. The bird nesting window was a red herring. Without the new bridge permit there would have been no logging in the area west of the Moberly.
This new license to cut must not be issued until we hear the court ruling. Doing so will increase the amount of money wasted on that portion of the project already with the bridge install and removal and the cost of logging the wasted wood.
But then is any of the work being done about efficiency at all or how large the handouts can be prior to the May election.
Thanks very much for that cfvua--
Very illuminating.
Have you let Laila know about this?
Yes. She is all over it. Good to see the challenge from the Ratepayers group as well. Where normally they would present to a BCUC hearing and were denied at the JRP, now they are getting involved elsewhere. When people realize their power bills will skyrocket over this project, even more will oppose it.
Thanks again cfvua--
Please keep us updated.
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