Would'a thunk it.
Turns out that Mr. Michael Smythe of the Province actually does have a memory that he's willing to use when it suits his purposes (and/or his old columns).
He did this with his latest on the mansion tax.
Which is interesting in a kinda/sort way if you want to click through.
But then, in the aftermath an interesting thing happened on the Twittmachine.
Someone who was previously a card carrying member of the Lotuslandian proMedia Club, and who had given Mr. Smythe kudos for the memory work, took the Dean to task for precisely the right reason:
In fairness, Mr. Palmer may have been dredging up his own memories of the original Robin Hood mansion tax from 1993 that led to a meltdown from a Dipper minister who was once the co-MLA for Upper West Cremeville.
Thing is, it would appear that Horgan et al. learned from the mistakes of yore and put in the escape hatch this time around that Mr. Skelton mentions above.
Which, of course, anyone covering the BC legislature for a major local print organ would know forwards and backwards.
Music Notes
2 hours ago