Yesterday, we noted that pretty much all of our most prestigious local proMedia pundits have been assiduously avoiding asking 'why' the BC Liberals actively avoided dealing with known problems at ICBC for years.
Of course, anyone who has been paying the least bit of attention knows that one pretty darned powerful avoidance driver for the likes of Mess'rs de Jong and Stone, not to mention the wizards that control them, was the realization that even acknowledging ICBC's problem would have forced them to stop using the public corporation as a cash cow that helpedprop up their phoney budget surpluses over the years.
And it was those phoney surpluses and the associated corproturph-catapaulted bullshite about the financial and economic prowess of the BC Liberal braintrust that the local puffed-up punditry swallowed whole that is now sticking in their craw.
Because when you have written obviously Ronnish stuff like the following praising the BC Liberal regime as a...
"...government that has boasted arguably the strongest economy in the country over the past four years, unquestionably the best record of fiscal management among the provinces and an enviable job-creation record..."
It's pretty darned hard to fess up, for real, and announce to your readership that you don't know jack about squat when it comes to things that actually matter.
And why is it so darned hard for the puffed-up punditry?
To engage is such fessing up, I mean.
Because if you were to do that rank-and-file British Columbians just might come to their senses and realize that there are other voices and opinions they should start paying attention to if they want to know what's really going down in their province.
The Fifth 'W'?....This.
Speaking of other voices...I never thought I'd type this, but....Martyn Brown is actually very much worth reading these days....On this specific matter he goes to the 'why' and brings up the matter of another driver of BCL avoidance...'Lawyers'...It will be interesting to hear what folks in the profession think about that.
Meanwhile, in Dean Ville....Mr. Palmer finally stops trying entirely just dumps the pages of his diary into his latest bit on the BCL Leadership thingy...It's kind of like long form live blogging I suppose...Only in molasses.
Elbows Up -- and laughing
22 minutes ago
We know from the BC Budget that Total BC Provincial Debt has been growing at around 6% a year. How can exponential growth of debt be considered good fiscal management?
Speaking of lawyers, at least one thought everything was (apparently) moving along just tickety-boo in 2012.
And then Mike de Jong arrived as Finance Minister; fresh off overseeing the Basi/Virk deal as attorney general, and the health research witch-hunt (which contributed to a suicide) as health minister. He certainly left his mark on those ministries. Plenty of unaddressed Ws there.
Rich Coleman says, “He deserves a shot.”
Oh yes, he does.
Maybe he deserves a ... meant something else.?
Notice ,in BC ,theres stagnet water when it comes to rotating reporters out of sections.
all reporters should have 5 year limit ,in a section,Like US politics haveing 2 term limit for prez.
In my opinion they weren't ignorant of the facts. They most likely were reading some of the blogs we do and getting the same information. However, their employers were "demanding" they write as they did. they were being paid handsomely by the B.C. Liebrals via the government departments with all the ads the government was running. without those ads some of those writers would have been out of a pay cheque. Then of course there were all those "close" relationships, the golf tournaments, etc.
The writers were not interested in producing news. they were interested in providing propaganda for their masters, who ever they were.
as to Mike deJong, in my opinion, that brainless piece of shit ought to have been turfed a long time ago. However, he did the bidding of his masters, so he was good to go, hence his run for the leadership. Most likely why Coleman is supporting him. All those casinos, all that money to be made. Heavens if the B.C. Lieberals actually had a "new" leader who wasn't part of the "agenda" what would all those money laundering businesses do, along with all those mining companies who didn't have to pay their monies owing to the government and their electricity bills.
As opposed to pleading the 5th?
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