From the quoting of the Wikis:
Sure, I get the idea of the thing.
But, despite the fact that those who have been paying attention have known about it for awhile, I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head entirely around the following, as reported by Andrew MacLeod in today's Tyee:
One of the top civil servants in the NDP government worked for the right-wing Fraser Institute and the Vancouver Sun, shooting down mainstream ideas like the need for environmental assessments, the right to organize unions and the requirement that employers pay a minimum wage.
First hired to work for the government under Christy Clark’s BC Liberals, Fazil Mihlar was made the deputy minister of jobs, trade and technology after Premier John Horgan’s NDP formed the government in July with the support of three BC Green Party MLAs...
And, despite the claims of Mr. Horgan's right hand man, I would be very surpised to learn that this appointment is being chiefly driven by Mr. Milhar's expertise as a public servant for the reasons pointed out by Harold Steves in A. MacLeod's piece.
So, if not that, is it possible that the Dipper braintrust is thinking that the good Mr. Milhar can provide Mr. Horgan et al. with some cover on their right side, especially from the attacks of the killer corproturfists to come?
But, again, regardless, I sure do hope that that very same Dipper braintrust is strate(r)gizing just as hard about how they are going to deal with the fact that a whole lot of the folks who voted for them have another legitimate place to go now.
Which could become even more disastrous down the road if this bizarre anti-PR partnership is successful.
Then again, there is always....This (wait for the kicker).
Elbows Up -- and laughing
35 minutes ago
Worked for sun and fraser inst also?
Once again, the NDP brains trust scores an own goal - another genius move from the folks who decided not to say anything negative in the 2013 campaign!
In fact, if you look at publicly-available information sources, you'll see that all but 2 of the 28 Deputy Ministers served as DMs or ADMs under Christy.
And Mihlar isn't the only egregious example of a fifth-columnist warmly embraced by these babes in the woods.
How about Deputy Attorney-General Richard Fyfe, still in his old job? For some entertainment, Google his name along with "BC Rail". More recently, he advised Christy on how to respond to the Supreme Court of Canada decision on the Chilcotin land claim. His narrow, hostile interpretation was so offensive that it was condemned by First Nations leaders across the province. (See ) So no wonder Horgan had no problem saying that he won't be the last leader to disappoint FNs - Site C is the just warm-up act!
Or Dave Nikolejsin, back as DM of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources, which was his gig when Site C got the go-ahead in 2013. In between, he spent a couple of years as DM for Natural Gas Fantasy. He's obviously a persuasive guy, because Michelle ("Paddle for the Peace") Mungall fell into line in record time. Yes, Minister!
So when Christy praised Horgan earlier in the week for carrying on her LNG and Site C policies, she held back on boasting of her real accomplishment - a transition in government which changed the figureheads but left the real decision-makers in power.
Now that's a very British Columbian coup!
p.s. to last:
Read the July 2015 letter in question from Fyfe and ask yourself how this guy ended up anywhere near a government proclaiming itself to be all for reconciliation:
Or has he recanted?
Does this still represent the position of the Province?
Mr. Eby, inquiring minds want to know!
Gotta grow the GDP! Gotta keep that AAA rating! Growth!!
And hope that interest rates stay low.
Don't look at the growing total provincial debt, look at the debt/GDP ratio. As long as GDP grows, all is well. Brilliant.
It is very odd that these folks are still employed. My sincere hope is that the government, being preoccupied with transition/staffing/budget/early legislation/etc., simply hasn't had the time to fully review the staffing of the public service and crowns.
Fair enough, overall, Glen--
However, in the specific case of the good Mr. Milhar he apparently went on the far east junket with Mr. Horgan et al.
Hard not to conclude that this signals his active engagement by the new gov't.
The former BC Liberal Govt has given us some interesting new phrases:
"Dumpster fire"
Now we have "Death spiral":
In my early morning dyslexic state I mistook misattributed for masturbated and after reading it again thought, ya, that correlates perfectly with what Horgan is doing to his NDP supporters, fornicating them.
This NDP government make the keystone cops look competent. Horgan appears to be setting himself up for a golden parachute when his ass is dropped kicked out the door.
Maybe we can reverse the decline of democra$y in BC.?
In my opinion, Mr. Fyfe should have been the first of all the deputies the NDP inherited to be shown the door. The longer Mr. Eby values him as his deputy the more I question Mr. Eby’s judgement.
My distrust began with the duplicitous nature of his response to me when I attempted to obtain information necessary to understand the Basi/Virk deal engineered to end the BC Rail trial. It increased as information that the government fought tooth and nail to hide became available, to the point where I’m now convinced a prima facie case exists that the deal was illegal . Mr. Eby has the information, will not dispute or refute it, yet continues to curl up next to the deputy that authored the deal over which the NDP once promised an inquiry.
I expected better.
Lie down with dogs...
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