This just in...
Don't know about you all but I, for one, sure am wondering who, exactly, the good Mr. Marissen 'always' said this to.
If you get my drift.
Link to the MoCo story referred to is here...Based on the numbers and graphs in the actual piece the header is more than a little misleading...And, based on those massive corporate money mounds that the Clarklandians amassed in 2016 and 2017 I can almost forgive the Horganites for accepting the big money globs up to the deadline...Almost...Regardless, Mr. Weaver and friends are the only folks that come out of this one clean which should, in my opinion, be the real story here.
In other, more important, news analysis re-nalyzed news...Norm Farrell takes Colby Cosh's latest apart completely and discovers that it is made entirely of sand buried deep beneath a dilbit pond...Seriously.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
26 minutes ago
And/or 'her'.
And/or 'the third man'.
Gutter Snipes don't get it? they cant even lie or lay according to some lad er I mean womean.
Well, I guess we all could join a...
...Garage band.
Notwithstanding Mr. Marrisen's questionable claim of widely preaching the gospel regarding the evils inherent in acceptance of the devil's currency, he has succinctly summed up the BC Liberal modus operandi for the past two decades.
Two decades during which he played a major role in shaping that operation.
My hearing is going, too many years in the shop. I thought you said "grift" not "drift".
Well, to give the good Mr. Marissen his due he did use the term 'always'....
Not to put too fine a rotate and flip point on it given that it might require mad photoshop skillz...One man's 'd' is another man's 'g'.
The same could be said for 'b's' and 'g's' (san's the flip)....Just ask the brothers Gibb (although, to be very clear, there will, in this particular case at least, be no musical links).
read his "twit", laughed, walked the dog, am still laughing. has he had too much to drink? who does he expect will believe his line? Is he hunting for work in the upcoming municipal elections or what or is he just bored and re hashing the last provincial election. still laughing, OMG that man is as dumb as they come if he actually wrote that or things we are as dumb as they now thinks there is something seriously wrong.
for b's and g's (avec the flip)....type in on the google Garry Bibb Tragedy (no relation to Leon and Eric)
I imagine stuff like this to be more of a 'both sides do it' - type protection racket strate(r)gy...
" If you get my drift. "
With the Libs it's "?If you get my grift".
See banter with mcg, above.
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