Former Lotuslandian sports reporter Gary Mason is currently the Globe and Mail's 'National Affairs Columnist'.
And, in our opinion at least, Mr. Mason loves to traffic in obviousness while he simultaneously stirs the pot.
To wit, the following, from his latest column kinda/sorta taking Jason Kenney to task for blaming Encana's lack of allegiance to Canada and Canadians on young Mr. Trudeau:
...Mr. Kenney’s ego is out of control. I’m not sure whether he’s politicking for his current job or whether he’s establishing his bona fides to take over as federal Conservative leader. He certainly has become the loudest conservative voice in the country. And whether it’s current leader Andrew Scheer or someone else who ultimately assumes command of the federal party, they should be prepared for a long to-do list the Alberta Premier will have waiting for them...
The thing is, every once in a while Mr. Mason goes a little too far and demonstrates how little he actually knows (and/or understands) about what is really going on.
This time that demonstration comes in the form of the column's final kicker:
...Mr. Kenney needs to understand that deliberately mischaracterizing the decisions oil and gas companies make for his own political gain ultimately doesn’t get him anything other than angrier citizens.
I mean, seriously...
Does Mr. Mason of the Globe really not know that the imported political playbook being used by Mr. Kenney states, right there on page 1 in 144 point type, that his one main goal is to make the citizenry as angry as possible about every possible perceived slight, real or imagined?
Chichester Cathedral, you ask?....the Pythons.
The appropriate response to RFK Jr. is to destroy him
26 minutes ago
Maybe Scheer and Kenny could trade places?
Scheer, straight out of the republican go to playbook had the crowd chanting "lock him up" when he said he would hold a judicial inquiry into Trudeau and the SNC deal. Kenney pulls out the republican divide and divide some more strategy. My goodness, they can't even think of something original and the assembling disaffected underrepresented wexit crowd with an unemployment rate of 6.6% fall for hook line and sinker.
Newfoundland and Labrador unemployment rate - 13.1%
Have been doing a bit of reading on how that divide in the U.S.A. started and the contributions the late Lee Atwater made to it along with Roger Stone, to the politics of division. Some it goes back to a couple of boys at USC, 1962 and how they "ratfucked" the student elections. those boys were Segrette, Chapin, Ziegler
Atwater developed the Southern Strategy and helped Bush win in 1988, but the language of division also played a key role in American elections, 1981. Now if Kenny wants to roll in those leagues, he is going to have to catch up fast. The columnist might want to do a little reading of history and the use of language to promote the hate you need to make the citizens that angry. In 1981 the boys started by using "the language of fiscal conservatism and arguments about state rights rather than deploying racist, anti civil rights rhetoric".
Corporations go where they can make the most money. They have no loyalty to anyone but themselves as CEOs and to a degree their share holders. My take on it is, EnCana moved because the cost of cleaning up those abandoned wells might come to haunt them. Its billions of dollars worth of work to be done. if Kenny and the rest of them cared about the environment and unemployed workers, they could start the clean up work tomorrow morning, paying workers a salary not unlike what they were earning. That of course smacks of socialism and that is never to be done. if they start using the word communism, I'd get worried because that is a whole other divide the U.S.A. had which resulted in the deaths of 5 people back in the day in Greensboro.
If the premiers of Sask and Alberta want a divide, they will find it is very ugly and look at what the U.S.A. got out of it. What some of these people who keeping talking about western alienation forget is not every one in Ablerta and Sask. voted conservative. My take on it is, they are working hard to manufacture something that truly isn't there. A lot of people voted Conservative in those two provinces, but a lot also voted Liberal, Green, and NDP. I'm not seeing people marching in the streets to leave Canada. They aren't that stupid. Once they leave Canada, there goes their child benefit cheques each month and the E. I. cheques. I'm sure no one is stupid enough to think they'll all have jobs the morning after Ablerta left Canada.
The politics of division is ugly, cruel, and deadly. the politics of division has contributed greatly to the rise of mass murders in the U.S.A. by racists. Part of what you need for people to be as angry as some americans are, is poverty, deep grinding poverty, with no hope of every getting out of it. Canada, has less of that type of poverty than the U.S.A. with the exception of our Indigenous People Kenny is looking to replace Scheer, but his anger and hate will prevent him from attaining that job. If Scheer goes, Mackay has a much better chance. Hate and anger doesn't cut it so well in Canada, we saw that with Bernier and his PP Party, less than 300K votes and he couldn't even hang onto his own seat. Jason is finished. He is stuck as Premier of Alberta and people will get tired of listening to him and when there is no improvement in the economy in Alberta, his supporters will leave him and find another leader for the party.
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