From the Twittmachine's news banner feed....
First, the headline:
Next, the lede immediately below said header:
The Buffalo Police Department has suspended two officers without pay and opened an investigation after a video showed a 75-year-old man being knocked down by police at a protest in the city...
It would appear that one of the above is not like the other, a fact that will be abundantly clear if you, like millions and millions, have seen the actual video.
Understanding America’s Betrayal Of Ukraine
1 hour ago
And people wonder why people are pissed off? Shame.
They also "allegedly" didn't stop to pick him back up. So much for preserve and protect.
Next up...Indianapolis.
A bit off topic Ross, but still along the lines of police going over the top.
With the increasing frequency and size of the protests sweeping the excited states, the law of averages dictates that it’s just a matter of time before a nutbar shows up with an AR15, or the cops do something that touches off a real firestorm.
Hope I’m wrong, but my gut is telling me the table is set.
Lew, its the same thought I've been having since Trump started his line regarding Mexicans were rapists,....., banning Muslims, concentration cAmps, etc. In my opinion each act was a prelude to the next. We are now at the point you describe. I've been waiting for it for a while. Once it starts it will not have a happy ending. Its why some Generals are speaking out.
Its the mind set. If some one who is bigger stronger will push an elderly person over then they will do more, if they think they can get away with it. Once the shooting starts, Canada and Mexico will have to be prepared because we will see refugees At least Trump will have built Mexico a wall, which they will find useful, we will have a problem. Germany was able to absorb a million refugees from the Middle East, but Germany has Merkle and a much larger population and had spare buildings. Canada not so much.
I have seen maps which outline how some believe the U.S.A. will break up.
We will need a much larger military to enforce our border.
Many white cops and civilians do not see people of colour as human or valuable. Killing or hurting them is much like swatting a fly out of the way. I have watched the Civil Rights movement when I was a child and nothing has changed in the U.S.A. At some level its still all there. When the economy in a country is good, things calm down, if the economy tanks, it will be very ugly and we will be very happy our ancestors came to Canada.
G.B. is reading 3 million passports for Hong Kongers. I'm sure we're going to be asked to do our part as will Australia. throw in some COVID and life will change and our grandchildren will never know the world we had time to enjoy. That line about, "I may be old but I got to see all the great bands", you can add we got to travel where we wanted, we saw all the great operas, all the great archetiure. We were the last generation along with Gen. X who really got a good time out of life, fairly unrestricted.
Thanks Keith!
Already happening, apparently, but, interestingly, not much coverage of that....
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