From Richard Luscombe writing in The Guardian:
As new coronavirus cases surge across several southern states, Republican governors are looking to apportion blame – and resting upon some familiar targets.
In Florida, migrant Hispanic farm and construction workers are driving the huge uptick in Covid-19 infections, according to Governor Ron DeSantis, who has repeatedly identified the immigrant workforce as the “No 1” source of outbreaks in the Sunshine state.
Day laborers contracting the disease are “overwhelmingly Hispanic”, DeSantis said, and migrant in nature, adding that he had given a “heads-up” to health authorities in Georgia and Alabama about “what might be coming down the pike”...
Understanding America’s Betrayal Of Ukraine
1 hour ago
Hmmmmm 100,000 Latincouvers
Crooks and Liars has an article up about the republicans blaming Mexicans who come into the U.S.A. for medical treatment on the virus. it was a good morning for a joke anyhow.
These republican idiots just say the first thing which comes to mind and they haven't blamed the Latina community for anything for a few days so what they hell. The republicans simply do not want to accept that the orange maggot is responsible along with the rest of them. Next they'll be blaming Iceland and N.Z.
Of course in the minds of some of this kkkamericans people who are American citizens and not "white" are not Americans.
Can't blame people coming from south of the American border. Canada stopped our problem immediately, we closed our border with the Americans except for essential traffic. Its working. Now give how keen donni is to keep people south of the border out of the u.s.a. you do wonder why they didn't use the Canadian e.g.
Under the heading of irony;
Something else that may be "coming down the pike"
Keith, saw the article. Between the virus and Trump the Americans have become the "unwelcome guests' around the world.
At this rate there won't be much of the country left. People never truly understand how fast a country can go down hill. Its what happens when you don't study history.
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