BC Hydro has done some surveying:
...A survey commissioned for B.C. Hydro found that 80 per cent of British Columbians are planning to spend more time at home this summer as a result of COVID-19.
Twenty per cent of those without air conditioning are considering purchasing an air conditioning unit this summer, the survey found.
The survey also found that nearly 15 per cent of those with air conditioning are considering buying an additional unit or upgrading their current unit...
Why do we know even know this?
Because Hydro wrote a report and then pumped it by press release which was dutifully stenoed by the VSun's Tiffany Crawford with little or no further comment or context.
Why would BC Hydro be doing this stuff?
Is it possible they are, once again, attempting to justify the need for, say, a certain megaproject, based on increasing demand?
As Norm Farrell has painstakingly pointed out over and over and over again, the demand bogey-monster is completely fictional:
...(S)ales to BC consumers have been flat since 2005. Domestic sales by kWh units were 1% lower in 2019 than in 2005 although the amount charged consumers increased by 89%, which is more than 3x the rate of inflation...

Probably not only justifying the need for the dam, but getting in front of the known and “unintended consequential cost over runs” that recently came to light, after being on time and budget in 2017, then it wasn’t and now it isn’t again. Covid 19 don’t yer know.
A most excellent additional point Keith - thanks.
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