Friday, August 14, 2020

TrumpGOP, Inc......Always Be Cheating.



Look who's carrying water for Kanye West's campaign for President out in Hurtland, USA:

Republicans are helping Kanye West get on the US presidential ballot in some key states, in what could be a bid to take black votes away from Democratic candidate Joe Biden...


...West himself has hinted he is trying to steal votes from Mr Biden, telling Forbes: "I'm not denying it."...


...In Wisconsin, Lane Ruhland, a lawyer with long-standing affiliations with the local Republican Party, was filmed dropping off signatures to the election board on West's behalf...


Why, I wonder, would the GOP/TrumpPartyParty want to try and bamboozle a few thousand folks who would historically vote for the Democratic candidate in a swing state like, say Wisconsin?

And do not think
that pols of a certain stripe have never stooped to this kind of behavior 'round here...Remember James, Not Jim, Green?
Subheader got you scratching your head?.....This.



Keith said...

Traditional right wing tactic, Not particularly original, but they seem to get away with it, so why not give it a go fer the sake of the show.....

“Callaway ran a "kamikaze" campaign on behalf of Jason Kenney, now Alberta's premier. Kenney won the UCP leadership on Oct. 28, 2017, after the Alberta Progressive Conservative and Wildrose parties merged.

Callaway ran for the sole purpose of targeting Kenney's chief rival, former Wildrose leader Brian Jean, and then dropping out of the race to support Kenney.

Both men deny the allegations, but CBC News has obtained emails showing higher-ups in Kenney's campaign circle providing resources — strategic political direction, media and debate talking points, speeches, videos and attack advertisements — to the Callaway campaign.

There was a timeline for when Callaway would drop out of the campaign and throw his support behind Kenney.

Kenney's deputy chief of staff, Matt Wolf, even emailed a resignation speech to Callaway the day he dropped out of the leadership race.”

RossK said...

Traditional, indeed, Keith.

Heckfire, it's almost as if it is now baked into their DNA.

And as long as there is only positive selective pressure brought to bear on the mutation it will never be removed.

