It would appear that the good Mr. Wilkinson now feels that every working person deserves to receive a working wage, including folks on the front lines:

Not sure how, exactly, Mr Wilkinson got there from his springtime statements to Mikey Mike on the (no longer so) Giant '98 back in the spring, as noted recently by Dipperian Harry Bains:
"...You know, people working as cashiers in the grocery stores are making about 16 bucks an hour as a starting wage. That's good. But is it sustainable?
We've got cashiers starting at 16 dollars an hour for scanning stuff at the supermarket..."
In fairness, I suppose it could be argued that sixteen bucks an hour is a bridge too far for all those finest of the fine-type folks that Mr Wilkinson must, ultimately, keep happy.
As for that earlier GordCo Inc. training wage loophole thingy....
Well, perhaps Mr. Wilkinson could disavow that vociferously as well?
“We need to keep rebuilding B.C.”, says a guy who was part of serial Cabinets responsible for why it needs the rebuild.
It's almost as if those trying to entice us to follow the Wilky Way are doing so, at least in part, by trying to get us to forget that those sixteen long years ever happened.
Any suggestion of a minimum wage raise bought in by the NDP would have had a procession of representatives of retail/business organisations that no-one had ever heard of on Global T.V. decrying such actions as devastating to the economy, and job losses would be catastrophic. Some of those same representatives went on to become part of the liberal govt. with provincial largesse distributed to associated supporters/donors for services rendered.
Can’t understand why those same organisations aren’t out with the same predictions of fiscal devastation. Must be the new social distancing protocols.
does that include executive pay like powerex and BCIMC
vancouver city hall giving themselves a raise in 2020?
It's the Wilky Way!
low min wage, along with poverty level disability pensions and welfare payments, have been a hallmark of the Socreds and B.C. Lieberals for as long as I can remember. Things became worse after the Bill Bennett Jr. "restraint" programs of the early 1980s. (ya I'm old).
Whatever Wilkinson is saying now, I really don't know when he had his "come to jesus" moment because all those who are members of the B.C. Lieberals and vote B.C. lieberal have said in essence, they believe in that. Keeping working people poor and thus their children living below the poverty line.
If the B.C. Lieberals were re elected you can bet you pension there will be roll backs on everything the NDP has put into place. Oh and lets forget the reduction then of business taxes.
people need to have a look next door at Alberta, where Kenney is proposing a reduction of 11K health care workers and where 42% of the doctors want to leave. Yes, that is in the middle of a COVID crisis. B.C. Lieberals are not Liberals they're Conservatives, in my humble opinion.
Lets not forget the entire time Wilkinson has been an MLA he has not spoken out for higher wages for workers or more money for those on welfare or disability. His favorite hobby horse is complaining about property taxes for those living on the west side of Vancouver in multi million dollar houses. ah, the poor multi million dollar home owners having to pay taxes.
o.k. enough of my rant, time for a.m. coffee
Real ‘liberals’ don’t take bus passes away from the disabled
Well Ross, it appears it doesn't matter what the minimum wage is because larger retailers are going on a full on rampage to eliminate cashiers. Safeway (Sobeys), Save-on Foods, Shoppers Drug Mart and Home Depot are just some of the examples where shoppers are scanning their own purchases and then packing them. They do this by reducing the number of cashiers causing queuing. They often have less efficient cashiers for those tills that are manned. People get annoyed at the delay, so they process their own purchases. Price have not declined by this reduced cost. RG
And a most excellent rant it was!
I'd forgotten that one...Man, what a difference three years make.
Would be interesting to get Glen C's take on that. I must admit that I used to be diligent about going to the real people but have been backsliding during COVID times.
milky was saying today that Bonnie needs someone who speaks her language to lead us out of the 2nd round... Like wtf?
The BC Liberal braintrust is getting desperate if they're putting out that weak sauce this close to the deadline.
I remember the BC Liberals cutting the wages of first line workers. as well the laundry at Kelowna hospital being privatized to a B.C. liberal party donor. They do not care of regular folks.
".... they are given voting guides in the sanctuaries inserted into the church bulletin, right? You turn the page from the hymn, and there you get the voting guide basically telling you to vote for a (BC Liberal) Republican ..."
wow finally people are seeing that these liers are blowing smoke up our rectums. Its really interesting that Jim Pattison isn t at the welfar office with his hand out. We live with his price raises and his self checkouts here in Princeton, that is why we do our big shopping in Penticton. We can save money after paying for gas and a meal. Its sad I had been shopping in one of his stores here for 55 years and this is how he pays people back for there loyalty. Jim GFY
The voting booths had barely closed last night when the BC Liberals' Party Brass declared (Vancouver Sun) "The B.C. Liberals are asking supporters to donate to what the party calls an “election integrity fund to “ensure fairness and integrity in the voting process.”
El Gordo's 2001 platforms included the fictitious New Era promises. We've got a Real New Era here now, no more Wild West donations from outsiders eg. Alberta's Murray Edwards
Are there any other restrictions I should know about?
Anonymous contributions can only be made under certain circumstances. They must be less than $50 and made at a function held by or on behalf of the organization or individual to whom the contribution is given.
Cash contributions must be $100 or less.
Contributions over $100 must be made by cheque, money order, credit card, or electronic transfer.
There are serious penalties for breaking the political contribution rules established by the Election Act, including monetary penalties of up to double the amount of the contribution made in contravention of the rules.
A horse.. a horse. . my kingdom for a horse?
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