Monday, May 30, 2022

Beyond The Valley Of The Ultra MAGA's


'Ultra MAGA' is is the moniker that Digby is using for those pushing ludicrous mass distraction tropes regarding the mass shooting in small town southwest Texas last week.

Ultra MAGA Example #1 - Mr. Trump Jr on the bat, bomb, machete equivalency:
...“It’s the gun; it’s not the sociopath wielding it,” people are claiming, he (Trump Jr.) complained. “He wouldn’t have done the exact same thing with a bat, or a bomb, or some sort of improvised device — or a machete?” he added...

Ultra MAGA  Example #2 - Ms. Greene on the far-right practice of ludicrous and dangerous, not to mention baseless, alternative lifestyle pathologizing:


What happens when all of this rage frothing is just not enough and the collective insanity needs to go way out far beyond (and/or beneath) 'Ultra MAGA' where not just the libs will be owned but the weak, mealy-mouthed RINO's will be crushed as well?

Well, apparently, deep within the collective pineal gland there is a place where up is both down and sideways times eleventy billion divided by infinity.

And that place, where, as Billy Preston once foreshadowed, nothing from nothing really does actually leave nothing of value to the body politic whatsoever, is the...

Dark MAGA!
...A few days after his (primary) defeat (in North Carolina), he (Congressman Madison Cawthorne) posted a screed more typically his style, lumping Republicans and Democrats into an ominous “Uni-party” that had taken him down. “It’s time for the rise of the new right, it’s time for Dark MAGA to truly take command. We have an enemy to defeat, but we will never be able to defeat them until we defeat the cowardly and weak members of our own party,” Cawthorn wrote...

One can only wonder if this is the kind of place where not even sharks wearing leather jackets can jump while water skiing.


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