Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Why Voting, And The Legislation That Follows, Matters.


The above is a graphic from the Financial Times, based on data accumulated by Mother Jones.

The red line, which was added by Brian Tyler Cohen, marks the date when Republicans ended the assault weapons ban in the United States.

Of course other things that could have been added to the header of this post are money, lobbying, complicit media outlets, and a certain 'association'.

And do not, for one minute, think that those three things are not at work, in some variation of the forms, above the 49th parallel also.




Cap said...

Ironically, the shape of that graphic looks like the shape of the impact wound from a high-velocity AR-15 round. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-damage-to-human-body/

RossK said...


Well, that, and the biggest bulge occurs between 2016 and 2020 which happens to coincide with the reign of a certain inflammatory extremist.


Keith said...

In the ultimate republican god fearing controlled good ‘ole boy nirvana where the only requirement to get a gun of any type is have you the money, there wasn’t much urgency when it was happening in the democrats turf ( Sandy Hook) and the cheques from the certain association kept on coming.

So the wait starts to see what the god fearers do in response to their children now getting shot and killed in a christian school. I wonder how long that wait will be.?

Anonymous said...

Along the very long list of things that disgust coming out of the US, this entirely preventable scourge tops the list. To make it even more disgusting is the emerging pie holes such as Dump Jr and a certain blond congress woman whose name I feel dirty even typing, are now linking this to their trans smear campaign because its about the trans. not the guns. No matter the government, the twisted culture and the powerful lobby not to mention the corrupt Supreme Court, will never, ever allow any substantive change that will make a difference. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming, that sure is helping. Tim W.

Evil Eye said...

It seems the old biblical "as ye sow, so shall ye reap" is in full swing.

American society is basically a 18th century society, both in beliefs and in actions. Like Russia, they like "strong man" presidents and pretend that they are the "land of the free".

American attitude about guns is based on complete misrepresentation of their constitution, for the benefit of the gun industry.

It is a country, where showing a picture of Michelangelo's famous Renaissance sculpture of the Biblical figure David, is deemed pornography because it shows a penis, yet the ongoing murder of school children is deemed acceptable.

More than348,000students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine. There have been 376 school shootings since 1999, but the federal government does not track school shootings and the numbers come from other sources.

That is the real pornography in the USA.

Gordie said...

Maybe it's just the way the data are presented, but it appears that the shootings come in waves, with a pause between each wave. The waves are getting bigger and longer.

RossK said...


I wonder if, in addition, there is the class distinction as well as in 'this won't happen to me and mine' because we are protected by wealth, exclusivity and geography.



And never mind that the overwhelming percentage of mass shooting events have been carried out by folks who do/did not identify as trans., despite what a number of the usual suspects would have you believe on the Twitt machine and elsewhere.

But, of course, that is your point entirely.



It's important to keep in mind that two-thirds of US'ians want stricter gun control laws.

In my view, there is no other issue that demonstrates how the American body politic has been co-opted such that the minority is terrorizing the majority.

(well that, perhaps, and healthcare)



I think, at least in part, it is the way the data are presented in that events with more loss of life are much larger which causes the cluster affect around those events.


NVG said...

1922 to 1999


Keith said...


“I wonder if, in addition, there is the class distinction as well as in 'this won't happen to me and mine' because we are protected by wealth, exclusivity and geography.”

Agreed Ross very much so, however as this latest shooting has shown, it’s not what’s in the mind or the assumptions of the locals, it’s what’s in the mind and the assumptions of the person with the guns and ammo.

The other assumption that has been dismissed is the republican/nra talking point; “the best protection against a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” Uvalde Texas was the perfect example of what happens when the good guys are scared out of their wits facing an A.R.

By now there is enough evidence the term “voting as if your life depends on it” isn’t a bumper sticker slogan. Guns, – covid, higher levels of pollution etc. federal or state republican control equates to a lower life expectancy for many.

The easy fix is to get out and vote against the republican in whatever election from president to state coffee stirrer. If they don’t get the vote out or vote for more of the same, the assumption should be they are fine with the status quo.

Even the senate Chaplin had to say something in a prayer to the hypocrites.


e.a.f. said...

Those who promote guns and the politicians who want to ensure no one violates their rights to have guns usually do think it won't happen to them or their families. As you write, they think they are protected by their wealth and security, but one of these days it will happen to them also.
The U.S.A. has become more violent and more are killed because of these AKs. It is beyond me why they don't care about children, as in its O.K. to kill them. Its the only conclusion I can come to, given the republicans have done nothing to deal with the problem. One of these days one of those republicans is going to have a child shot by a mass shooter. Wonder what they will have to say then.

You would think a government would want to protect children from being murdered, but then the U.S.A. has the highest rate of mortality for babies in the developed world. Many children have no health care, dental care, live in homeles shelters and the U.S.A, certainly have enough wealth to eliminate those problems.

Decades ago when I read the Second Amendment, my conclusion was guns were related to a militia, not individual gun owners and the writers of the constitution did not know that some day the country would have automatic guns. Perhaps some of those judges who are originalists might want to list gun regulations under the "original" theme. A gun which you had to put powder in, ramp the whole thing and then fire.

No person should have to use a AK to go hunting with either. If you are such a lousy shot that a regular hunting rifle won't do the job, then you ought not to be handling a gun.