Sunday, May 21, 2023

The Long Game Of Big Anonymous.


The long game of anonymous billionares, I mean.

The following was written by Suzanne Goldenberg in the Guardian way back in early 2013:

Conservative billionaires used a secretive funding route to channel nearly $120m (£77m) to more than 100 groups casting doubt about the science behind climate change, the Guardian has learned.

The funds, doled out between 2002 and 2010, helped build a vast network of thinktanks and activist groups working to a single purpose: to redefine climate change from neutral scientific fact to a highly polarising "wedge issue" for hardcore conservatives...


What was the result of all that anonymous money funneling into the gullet of the anti-climate change grift machine starting in 2002:

By 2010, the dark money amounted to $118m distributed to 102 think tanks or action groups which have a record of denying the existence of a human factor in climate change, or opposing environmental regulations.

The money flowed to Washington think tanks embedded in Republican party politics, obscure policy forums in Alaska and Tennessee, contrarian scientists at Harvard and lesser institutions, even to buy up DVDs of a film attacking Al Gore...

And were are we now, in 2023?

And where are we going?

Well,  it would appear that Big Anonymi has convinced us that it is in our best interest to do nothing meaningful as they strap ever heavier bricks to the accelerator of our collective clown car while it hurtles down the traffic-choked freeway straight toward oblivion.

And Norm Farrell fears that we are getting ready to throw the map with the escape route out the window into the passing fossil fuel-driven wildfire pyre:

...Sadly, an apocalyptic disaster is something my generation seems determined to leave to our children and grandchildren...

And how to slow the car and change course?

It can only be done collectively - and that can only happen if we first make a concerted effort to dismantle Big Anonymi's bought-and-paid-for grift machine so that we can clear our heads and start making hard, meaningful decisions that will not be easy but will save us all.


Presque-vuish earworm in the sub-header?....Stars around the World! (minus the self-immolation-themed intro).
Speaking of Stars, Torquil Campbell and Ali Momen have a podcast called 'Soft Revolution' where  how to go collective on the hard stuff is often discussed...An example edition is...Here.


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