Thursday, February 08, 2024

Some Days Are Longer Than Others.


What began as a spur of the moment stream of consciousness throwaway from he who would be Adenoid Hynkel for a day is now viewed as  'definitely or probably good' by a significant proportion of all kinds and categories of US'ians.

Is this due to the great influence of a certain Mr. Hannity, who was the receiver of the throwaway, and the propaganda strength of the cable news network that Mr. Hannity works for?


I guess you could make that case for the majority of the members of a certain political party.

But what about the rest of the population?

Is it possible that they are being influenced by milk toasty obsequious think pieces from very serious commentators working at even more serious mainstream media outlets?

To wit, check out the following lede by a piece from the Washington Post's national columnist Philip Bump:

The irony of Donald Trump’s assertion that he would seek to have dictatorial powers for the first day of his presidency is that he was supposed to be saying he had no authoritarian inclinations at all...


I wonder if the good Mr. Bump has ever considered the possibility that being a little bit dictator might be the same as being a little bit pregnant?

Subheader?... Apparently, Charlie Chaplin decided to make 'The Great Dictator', in which he played the fellow named Adenoid referenced above,  after he watched L. Riefenstahl's nazi propaganda film 'Triumph of the Will'.



e.a.f. said...

thank you for the chart. Charts always make things so clear.
Of course women are going to know things will not get better with Trump office. They've seen his records over the decades. Things like rape are an ongoing concern for women,

Men like Trump rarely are held to account, finally he has been because of Ms. Carrol. the award may slow him down. We have seen it in Canada with hockey players. Some people think they are exempt from the rules.

People of colour have been through enough racist shit in their lives to know Trump will simply make things worse.

He only wants to be a dictator for a day????? Do you know how much damage one Prsident can do in one day? I'm sure this won't be the last of this type of message from him. He is not going to be saying he won't be a dictator because there are those who identify with his quest for powerr and it they can't attain it themselves they'll live it vicariously.

If Trump becomes President life in Canada will change, really change. Some of these American politicians think its just a game because what they do rarely impacts them. Just look at the current state of their House of Rep. They don't even seem to care that Ukraine could loose the war if they aren't supplied with more arms. They don't seem to have any concept of what a take over of Europe or parts of it by Russia would look like. Some of their billionaire supporters may not be so happy later. Wer could expect tourism from Euorpe to drop and Americans living in europe may wind up dead. Trade, while parts of thr world are involved in war they are't going to be moving any economy ahead except armaments.
As the line goes, if you do not learn from history, you are bound to repeat it.

Evil Eye said...


Reading of German history for 1933 is imperative!


Reading of WW2 History is imperative!


Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat the same mistakes!