Wednesday, July 24, 2024



The best BC Poli Blogger in the business, Norm Farrell, is out for a little while while he gets some of his plumbing scrubbed.

For those who have been paying attention, Norm is the most diligent digger out there who gathers the data first, critically analyzes the data second, and then writes the post, third.

The result is wonderful edifying stuff like the following, posted last September:

...Site C was conceived when output per MW of capacity was higher than it has been in recent years. BC Hydro has regularly claimed that 1,100 MW capacity at Site C will annually produce 5,100 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity. That would be 4.64 GWh per MW of capacity, almost a quarter more output than BC Hydro’s dams have collectively produced in the last five fiscal years.

Site C has the extra disadvantage of being constructed on unstable land. Because of that, energy produced will be the costliest large source of electricity in BC. If Site C produces only 4,100 GWh of electricity each year, the energy will be unconscionably expensive...

The passage above is from just one important post amongst many about Site C that I know from personal correspondence is a real thorn in the side of those involved in decision making processes.

But, again, if you've been paying attention you already all this about Norm's work.

However, there's a little secret you might not know about Norm*.

Which is that, as great as it is to read his stuff it is even more enjoyable to sit down and talk to him about pretty much everything under the sun.

And I, for one, am very much looking forward to both the reading and the chatting with Norm as soon as he's back in the saddle again.


*Of course, if you ever listened to Norm chat with Ian Jessop on CFAX 1070 back in the old days this is no secret for you...Here's a sample of one such chat.



GarFish said...

We will need him to counter the healthcare disinfo from Angelo Isidoru and his ilk.

RossK said...


Definitely...Norm actually put a little pre-emptive salvo in that regard on his gone fishing/scrubbing post.


Evil Eye said...

Ah Norm, he is going in for a tune-up, but he will be back in fine fettle.

It was the diligent work by Norm Farrell, some years back to raise the ire of of BS Baldry and Vague Palmer on the old Bill Good show, back in the day when Top Dog 98 was still top dog and not the dead dog it has become.

Frustrated by Norm's exacting work cause Baldry to infamously mutter that bloggers were nincompoops running around in the their underwear....." on the afternoon talk show.

Norm is bang on with his Site C studies.

There is more real news in Harvey O's, Norm's and your blogs, than today's fish-wrap, namely the Vancouver Sun.

RossK said...


When it comes to the Glimmer Twins talking smack about bloggers on the Goodship Watercarrier, we've got...



GarFish said...

Yup, as far as 'NW goes, the beginning of the end for me was when they gassed Rafe Mair. The next nail in the coffin was the "Goodship Watercarrier" insisting that censorship never happened and that he's never been censored. To swipe your line, Fancy that!

RossK said...


I'm with you on the firing of Rafe who, by the way, used to stop by here occasionally and once gave me a hard time about using courier as the font for pull quotes...I gently told him to go jump in the lake... The ol' curmudgeon just laughed.

'Fancy that!' is Sean Holman's.

Me, I swiped Mr. Vonnegut's 'Imagine that!'

e.a.f. said...

When I started reading Norm Farrell's blog I did not know I knew him because he was only referred to as "the accountant". Norm is excellent in his research but then he was an accountant and he was really, really good at it. it wasn't until one in the group died and he wrote about it that I realized he was "the accountant". OMG I couldn't stop laughing. Wrote him and explained how I knew who he was. Good laugh.
His work in amazing.
That Dam isn't all that amazing and nost likely won't be until the big shake when it comes down.