Sunday, November 24, 2024

Slouching Towards Fascism?



Mr. Gaetz is gone.


Maybe that 59% is thinking everything is gonna be alright after all?

Rip off in the header?...Just in case you haven't read it recently, Ms. Dideon's piece on the aimless delusions of a number of the denizens of  Haight Ashbury in the summer of 1967 can be found...Here.



Evil Eye said...

Let's face it, the USA was always a fascist state and if wasn't for Pearl Harbour and the rise of an educated middle class, the USA would still be a racist fascist state.

All, what is happening is the USA is reverting back to it's pre WW2 politic.

This is a country where lynchings were not uncommon and they were treated as a spectator sport with plenty of postcards recording the event.

Kent State outrage and right wing Reagonomics started the moral decline of the USA to its current state.

What can one say, south of the 49th a convicted felon, rapist and grifter was more preferable than a black woman for president.

The USA is not the powerhouse it was before - oh they have nukes and a big army, but the president, corporal bone spurs rather hob nob with the likes of Putin and shambolic leader of North Korea.

Trumpers have now threatened destroy the economy of Britain (a Nato alley), if they arrest the Israeli president, who is wanted internationally for war crimes.

As for Canada, our weak as water politcans will faun and cozy up to this fascist thug for fear Canadians wintering in Palm Springs and/or Arizona.

Canada is entering perilous times and instead beefing up Canada military, Trudeau the younger is trying to buy the next election with cash give-a-ways.

Canada has stark choice, either join the fascists or close the boarder and seek new economic friends across the Atlantic.

Sadly, the Canadians today are not the Canadians of 1939.

Anonymous said...

Yet; Trumps post election approval rating are now higher than before the election!
That said , I doubt Trumps favorability will pass the first year mark.
Americans are going to have a rude awakening next year.
Secure the border?
We will have to, to keep those US asylum seekers out!

bcwaterboy said...

Not to mention the financier, Elon Musk, who essentially has taken over pretty much everything. He has quickly displaced the clownish JD Vance. For a short few minutes yesterday the media remembered they still had a sitting president and covered him during his speech then it was back to the hand wringing over these ridiculous economy destroying tariffs that the convicted felon wants to do to punish the closest trading partners.

RossK said...


But that post-war, new deal America - you don't think that is worth fighting/hoping for?


All snark and joking aside - in my field we are already seeing the effects of folks looking at applying for jobs up here - a bit of a reverse brain drain, I reckon.



Great to hear from you again!

Yes - the monied hold great sway, something that is, essentially, being ignored. The potential for significant corruption is great and truly concerning.

I think it could also be argued that Mr. Musk's money give away to voters who made a MAGA-aligned pledge of fealty in Pennsylvania was the only documented example of significant election interference in the cycle just completed (so far).


Evil Eye said...

Sadly the "post-war, new deal America" is now history as Trump and his hand picked champions of chaos, will utterly eviscerate the US.

Their news networks blindly allowed Trump a free hand while conversely repeated fake news ad nauseam with Harris.

The tariff fiasco will, if the Mango Musolini goes through with it, will create economic chaos world wide.

Trump is a 34 count convicted felon and he is a rapist, yet he got elected and that singular point tells me the USA has slipped back into is filthy, slimy fascist past.