John Dyble began his investigation into the Multiethnic Voter Information Manipulation Strategy that was conceived of, planned, and, at the very least, partially implemented by high-ranking members of the office of Premier Christy Clark and other government employees on February 28th, 2013.
This is what Mr. Dyble wrote in his report of the investigation at the bottom of page 24:
"...Email records show that (Executive Assistant to the Minister of State) Fiera Lo sent three packages of lists of individuals who had been attending events with (the then) Minister (of State) John Yap to her personal email account on March 4, 2013. Of note, prior to joining the government, Fiera Lo was an employee of the BC Liberal Party and attended the December 1st, 2011 meeting (where the strategy was hatched) in that capacity, and was given the assignment of "ethnic" lists..."
(stuff in the brackets, above, mine for context and explanation)
That's right.
According to Mr. Dyble, former BCL Party employee and current government employee Ms. Lo continued to funnel private voter information obtained at official government events into her private E-Mail account AFTER the investigation had already BEGUN.
Which brings me to the weasel words of Mr. Gordon Hogg, the BC Liberal Party Caucus leader who launched a parallel investigation, a report of which he is too gutless to anonymize and release, as reported by CBC News:
"... (Hogg) found Dyble's report troubling but his own investigation found no evidence that information from within caucus was moved to the B.C. Liberal Party..."
Which, without a presentation of unimpeachable concrete evidence, is laughable on its face given the cited paragraph above (as well as other material on pg 24 of the Dyble report that I will 'embrace' in a later post).
And yet Mr. Hogg, despite the overwhelming evidence that his, and only his, political party is in the wrong here is still running around telling anyone will listen that:
"... he supports an external review of both the Liberal and NDP caucuses.
"With respect to tightening of the roles and the actions that were taken, we certainly would welcome a review, which is what some (of) the opposition have called for..."
And I know I'm going on and on about this.
When this bullshit false equivalency is floated during the upcoming election campaign (and it will be) please tell all your friends, family, co-workers and uncles of influence the real story.
Understanding America’s Betrayal Of Ukraine
1 hour ago
You mean the false equivalence that Sean Leslie and Alise Mills continue to spin on Twitter within the last hour?
Mr. Leslie has actually been doing it for some time now including in his 'news' reports.
Word is Leslie spends his Friday afternoons drinking beers with Shane Mills, Christy's Comms director (or former director, tough toy keep track). I wonder if Mills dictates Leslie's tweets or just types them straight into his computer.
I hear there was a special Wednesday night session last week that included another radio guy.
Oh what the hell. Just let the Hell's Angels run the province until the election. They won't do anything which won't make us a profit. Their ethics are better than the lieberals. They know how to run a business. They don't allow for screw ups. Works for me until voting day.
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