Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Incredible Shrinking MegaMediaMegaloPlex


My newest favorite go-to Lotuslandian blogger guy, Harvey Oberfeld, has the story:

Where are CanWest’s intrepid, investigative business reporters!

Something BIG has been happening to the company’s stocks … they are becoming LITTLE. Some BIG story seems to be happening to the Company … but I have seen LITTLE about it in CanWest newspapers.......

It's actually a huge drop in share price and CanWest is pretending it's not happening which, as we who follow RailGate closely know, is not exactly novel, especially here on the Eastern side of the Straight of Georgia (not Nichols) and Gracie's finger.


In the couple of months or so that I have been reading Harvey O it has become clear that there is little love lost between him and the folks running the local Media Empire, especially when it comes to their more brazen water carrying for the current government and premier of British Columbia.

Further, Harvey even lays out his version of events regarding what happened at BCTV after Frank Senior died and the Pet Food Co. heiress sold the family heirloom to the Aspers just as little Arthur's folly started to come crashing down, in an earlier column.

It's all good stuff and worth checking out regularly as H.O. posts even more so.

Regularly, I mean.



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