Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Killing Him Softly With His Polls....


Well, whadd'ya know.

Looks like Smilin' Sammy Sullivan's war chest has been opened to the pollsters (again).

Ms. Bula has the story in today's VSun:

Neither Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan nor Coun. Peter Ladner is clearly in a position to beat a Vision Vancouver candidate in the city's November mayoral election, according to results of a poll done for the Sullivan campaign.....

But why would the Smilin' one release the results of an internal poll that says he is behind?

Well, there is that 'Underdog Victorious' thing I suppose.

But there is also this part too:

But Sullivan is "within striking distance" of beating Vision, says pollster Barb Justason, while Ladner is further behind.

"In a tight race, there's a better chance with Sam Sullivan," Justason said.


Or, put another way, "A Vote for Ladner is a Vote for Doom, Creme Dwellers!"

After all, in SammyWorld, who needs messy participatory democratic stuff like debates, when you've got polls, pollsters and PR payrolls.



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