By now you may have heard that Margaret MacMillan, she of Paris 1919 and a warden at Oxford, has quit the board of a little outfit called 'Canadian Studies In The United Kingdom', a story first broken by Jim Bronskill of the Canadian Press.
Actually it is Ms. MacMillan and three other academics who have quit.
And you may have even heard that this all has something to do with Canada's High Commissioner to Britain, Mr. Gordon Campbell.
But what you may not know is that what Mr. Campbell really did was take over the board by installing his own band of quislings so that he and his could run the show as he sees fit:
“It is also increasingly clear to me that the high commission intends effectively to take the foundation over and use its funds for the promotion of Canada’s interests as defined by it.” (said Ms. McMillan).
Quislings and lackeys running boards under the iron fist of the Big Boss to disastrous results?
Where have we seen Mr. Campbell do that before?
Now I remember....
(not that we're still paying for that disaster or anything).
Thanks to A. Reader for the tip....As It Happens has a little more....Interestingly the foundation was recently stripped of it's charitable status by the feds and there was some desire by some for it to take a more business-like approach to its research....Gosh...Is it possible that the uber-quisling in this one is actually the good Mr. Campbell himself?...Not that he's ever been a made man before or anything.
Music Notes
40 minutes ago
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