Christy Clark on the home team, as quoted by watercarrier, junior-grade, Sean Leslie, late last week:
... "TransLink belongs to the mayors, and only the mayors. If there are problems that need to be addressed in Translink, [the mayors] can fix those problems because it’s not a provincially run organization.”...
Mr. Leslie, in his 'piece' for the online word-bite pixeltorium that is CKNW's newsy-type website, did say that Translink was created by 'provincial legislation'.
To the best of my knowledge the VSun's Pete McMartin is the only member of the Lotuslandian ProMedia who has been telling it like it actually is regarding how Translink is run and why:
...The provincial government created the present incarnation of TransLink in 2007. It did so to wrest power away from the municipalities because the municipalities of the day didn’t like the transit choices the province was forcing upon them. In that context, the plebiscite isn’t about transit, it’s about power...
Given that wresting of power, which I wrote about (and Mr. Kevin Falcon's non-justification justification for it) back in the day....
How come all those established proMedia folks without all that credibility can't follow Mr. McMartin's lead and tell British Columbians that Ms. Clark is either dumber than Sarah Palin when it comes to the Translink Doctrine or a bald-faced liar.
Because it's either one or the other.
And British Columbians ought to know which it is so that they can plan accordingly.
And never, ever forget that it was the same non-elected, BC Liberal-appointed post-early 2007 Translink Board that voted for that $200 million waste of money and content consultative side project known as 'fare gates'....
2 hours ago
I think you're being a bit harsh on Sean Leslie. McMartin is a columnist, and Leslie a beat reporter (working in for a company that has continually slashed newsroom budgets so he has to churn it out).
McMartin as columnist has the freedom to speculate on Clark's motives, while Leslie is supposed to present facts. His noting of Translink being the creation of provincial legislation was enough to demonstrate the Premier was in error.
That she made the same assertions on subsequent days was met with incredulity by Leslie on Twitter.
If Mr. Leslie was one of the young kids on one of CKNW's beats with a Twittmachine feed I would be more that willing to give him a break.
However, Mr. Leslie is not a beat reporter on his weekend show.
He knows the full story and he is not telling it.
Which is my real point.
Because if people aren't told the real story this is another one that will be laughed off and excused without Ms. Clark being held to full account for her words and deeds.
" Because it's either one or the other."
Wouldn't it be great for someone to actually pose that question to CC and demand an answer.
And then follow that up with all the other lies like LNG, Bollywood being viewed by millions etc. etc.
Guy in Victoria
It would be great, indeed.
Of course, in many other jurisdictions it would actually be par for the course.
But not in Lotusland.
Must be all that established credibility I guess.
Oh those proMedia folks have got you now RossK.
I can't wait until they point out that it doesn't have to be one or the other. It is possible to be dumber than Sarah Palin and still be a bald-faced liar.
On another topic, I have tried several ways to bring up the BC Progress Board report but it now has been replaced by a Motorhome blog. I have the information but find it very interesting that it's been replaced with this Motorhome junk that doesn't post it's contact info unless you give up yours first.
Now that is strange.
Guy in Victoria
He knows the full story and he is not telling it.
Well I guess I had a different reaction. I thought his "In fact, TransLink was established through provincial legislation" was a beautiful, understated skewering.
from Mr. Holman:
“B.C.’s Ministry of Health is withholding the results of scientific research on how oil and gas operations in the province’s northeast communities are affecting human health.” Independent MLA Vicki Huntington’s freedom of information request for that research was denied because its release could be harmful to the financial interests of a public body.
I just don't by it, based on past performance.
But, if Mr. Leslie follows up and proves me wrong, I'll be happy to eat one of my many consultative hats that I do not own.
Awww geez Lew--
Got me indeed.
That is most interesting, eh?
Think perhaps there is some deflector spin website burying going down here?
No matter how many outlets print/air Holman's "The mean spin doctors won't let me do my job" drivel, it doesn't make it any more true. Christy Clark tells complete fabrications, or outright lies, and journalists in this province print them verbatim. That's not the fault of spin doctors. That's the fault of the journalists.
Remember the old story of the frog and the scorpion? Both trying to get across the river. The frog only allows the scorpion to ride on his back after he promises not to sting the frog. Halfway across, the scorpion stings. The frog asks why he would do it, knowing they would both die. The scorpion shrugs and says: "it's in my nature. I'm a scorpion."
If it's in the nature of a journalist to get at the truth, they will get at the truth and won't buy a pack of bullshit, even if it's presented to them with a 100-watt smile.
I agree with your description of a true journos real job.
However, I don't disagree, one bit, with Mr. Holman's suggestions for the men and women behind the curtain. Locally, in the right here and right now, I think a lot of folks would understand the Translink referendum thing a whole lot better if they knew what was being cranked by wizard-shills vs. that which is coming from folks who are giving their honest opinions.
I agree with your description of a true journos real job.
However, I don't disagree, one bit, with Mr. Holman's suggestions for the men and women behind the curtain. Locally, in the right here and right now, I think a lot of folks would understand the Translink referendum thing a whole lot better if they knew what was being cranked by wizard-shills vs. that which is coming from folks who are giving their honest opinions.
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