Remember how the Clarklandians' "Ponzification of Everything" budget took away another $29 million from public school boards while they simultaneously gave private schools an extra $30 million (in addition to that $200 million they gave to the well-off)?
And remember how the public boards were supposed to achieve those savings by cutting back on administrative costs?
Costs that Ms. Clark herself said were seven percent of their total budgets.
Guess what....
CKNW's Shane Woodford has made like Norm Farrell (and Charlie Smith said the proMedia won't listen to bloggers!) and actually looked at the public board numbers, district-by-district, province-wide.
And, as you might expect, the number is not what Ms. Clark said it was.
Turns out the actual percentage is three percent.
What, exactly is the administrative cost of doing quick winning business in Ms. Clark's own office we an only wonder.
There is an interesting post-script to that piece by Charlie Smith in the GStraight earlier in the week in which he demonstrated how, no matter how often Tom Fletcher is taken to task by Norm Farrell for his stenography in service of the Clarklandians the good Mr. Fletcher just keeps on keepin' on....The interesting post-script part?....Well, go have another look at Mr. Smith's piece and note the first comment....Ha!
And, on a superside of the laptop bar digressively trapezoidal note (assisted by the site-counter)...I sure was glad to see that our regular morning reader from Pheonix Arizona was able to break away from all that llama excitement analysis and stop by, as per usual, earlier this a.m.....
Music Notes
1 hour ago
Bait and switch?
on time and on budget?
2 percent families first?
No tax money for private or religious schools! I would support any party or candidate that ran on that platform.
Do political parties still have those?
More to the point, given that fine proMedia folks like the Dean, want them to do business by one-liner, are they even allowed to?
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