The Ombudsman, Mr. Jay Chalke, sent his letter of concerns re: his ability to properly carry out an 'investigation' of the Health Care Worker Firings to the legislatures Finance Committee on Tuesday July 7th.
And then the following happened according to The Tyee's Andrew MacLeod:
...The committee also received a (Wednesday) July 8 letter from Suzanne Anton, the province's attorney general. "The Ombudsperson's letter has assisted by identifying potential challenges to an investigation by the Ombudsperson, the majority of which would have equal application in the case of a public inquiry," she wrote.
Anton's letter included a two-page table suggesting ways to mitigate the Ombudsperson's concerns and comparing them to what would happen in a public inquiry...
That was fast, eh?
Like Merv Adey, I too am beginning to wonder if a trap is being set here.
Don't fall into it Dippers.
And, where, exactly, can we read the good Ms. Anton's (who can no longer claim that she is 'not involved' when interviewed) actual letter?
Here's something else that has been bugging me since yesterday morning...When the uber-insider who is the Dean of the Legislative Press Gallery, Mr. Vaughn Palmer, wrote his latest column telling us (once again) that public inquiry's are bad and that Ombudsman-led inquiries are good, it really appeared that he didn't know about Mr. Chalke's letter even though his posted online Tuesday night...If that really was the case, isn't that bit of super-secrecy by the Clarklandians and friends telling?
Thursday, July 09, 2015
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More BS from the running and hiding Lieberals. They will force the issue now. They could not before, because they did not know how to bury the thing. Now they think they can. If the NP members fold, it will tells us somthing does indeed stink beyond our wildest imagainations.
What Ms. Anton does not mention and surely is aware of is that in a PUBLIC INQUIRY it would be just that…before the public. Not so with the Ombudsman where all would be conducted behind closed doors where no eyes can see nor ears hear.
What we are witnessing now is a desperate government who, without care of right or wrong, whom even their bought for thirty pieces of silver media hacks have trouble explaining, showing their desperation.
Their silver platter delivered escape route dissolving before their pathetic eyes.
Their fight to keep their dirty little secrets from us at any cost is so obvious now it is blinding.
700m to 1 billion dollar bc hydro loss lawsuit
boss power 30 m lawsuit lost
BC Rail 6 m payout
HST reversal after petition
deleted emails
deleted health last note?
remenber "whatever it takes to win"
whats next
due to privacy i cannot say where premier is at any given time,at any given moment,even if at work?
As I so cogently expressed somewhere else, 'Fool me once, shame on you' (BC Rail), 'Fool me twice, shame on me' (Fired Health Workers).
Our illustrious premier says that the “brightest minds in law” are working to address Mr. Chalke’s concerns. I wonder if she realizes they’re from the same ministry that provided the bright minds that gave the legal advice resulting in this mess in the first place?
She might also recall that they’re the bright legal minds that had their asses handed to them by the defence in the BC Rail trial. Basi and Virk were able to get brighter legal minds with public money than we were.
For the wider public interest, there are several important reasons to stem the tide. Keeping more women in private law firms enhances the public’s access to a legal profession that reflects the general population. Women (Anton is one) make up more than half of the students the province graduates; they are among some of the best and brightest minds in the province, and yet they still make up only a third of all BC lawyers
. The public needs highly trained professionals in private practice who can, for example, litigate for damages, defend accused criminals, and give legal advice on complex family issues.
Heard an interview on CBC's Radio West this PM with a Vancouver Sun reporter who said that the department where these people worked was dysfunctional,that everyone was fighting with each other and that the Pfizer connection was pushed by a bunch of ill-informed conspiracy theorists. Also said that the complete debacle was led by stupid people making stupid decisions(almost his exact words).
So, the debunking and spin is starting again with the Lieberals crawling from under their rocks to slime any and all that were involved, the Vancouver Sun being the conduit.
Hope all you knuckle draggers out there that voted for these sleaze bags are feeling very ashamed.
I have a problem with what Suzanne Anton is doing. I searched an AG's duties and responsibilities on-line and came up with this:
This blurb claims that Ms. Anton is independent of government to ensure she can properly advise cabinet on matters requiring litigation, prosecution, etc. Since Anton was sworn in to her position in 2013, shortly after the firings, what did she advise Clark's inner circle on how to proceed in this matter? Did she advise them to settle out of court? Or not to go to a public inquiry as it would be too risky? Anton seems to be stuck right in the middle of things, which may explain her unseemly haste in penning this amateurishly written letter. A newly minted ombudsperson has no chance in getting to the bottom of this.
House of cards popular in some bc poli party circles.?
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