Heaps of praise have been thrown around the conventional wisdom offices of the Twittmachinery the last 24 hours or so for Mr. Mason's 'insights' on why the plebiscite was was not a Martha Stewartish thing:
...The B.C. government which called this vote against the advice of nearly everyone tried to put its own positive spin on the outcome; the people have spoken; this is what democracies are all about; the mayors will need to go back to the drawing board. But that is so wrong.
This was a bungled project from the start, one so poorly conceived and rolled out by the province that it was effectively stillborn. Its only value now will be to serve as a textbook example of how not to hold a transit referendum. What a glorious waste of time.
Which is all fine and good.
Except why didn't his Obviousness tell his readers this months ago?
And, of course, it's not like those paying attention couldn't see, right from the beginning, that the only real winners in this thing were going to be the flack-hackery.
Update...Crawford Killian of the The Tyee wrote the definitive 'Doomed/Designed To Fail' piece in....February.
Friday, July 03, 2015
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It was DESIGNED to fail.
Ross, it was absolutely designed to fail and the ultimate responsibility for its failure belongs to Premier Photo-op and her arrogant non-performing Transportation Minister. The primary problem with Translink is its governance structure. Translink was assigned the responsibility of creating and operating a Regional Transportation System without the authority to raise the essential revenues to make the operation work. The Province, and although it was originally created by the NDP, it is the faux BC Liberal Government that messed it up, deliberately.
We have justification in admonishing the Translink's Administration for its self interest, but the current mess began with Gordon Campbell and the structure of the Board.
When BC Transit was originally established, the primary revenue streams were fares, BC Hydro levies, Provincial support and property taxes. The property taxes were to only to come from Commercial & Industrial properties because they would be primary beneficiaries of supposedly less congested roadways. Local governments of the day were wary that residential property owners might end up paying this levy. Guess what happened and guess who will ultimately pay for this fiasco?
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