Norman Farrell or...
Martyn Brown?
The above is a screen shot of the Googleplex taken the morning of Thursday June 23rd.
Luckily, those sharp boys with the search engine and the gigantic bags of money are a little behind because if you hit the link that takes you to the actual CFAX 'guest' page you will find that it no longer has any reference to an appearance by Gordon Campbell's former chief of staff who was previously scheduled to appear at 1:00 in the afternoon sometime this week.
One o'clock in the afternoon....
Isn't that Mr. Jessop's 'old' timeslot?
Not that the Wizardarian fear of either Mr. Farrell or Mr. Brown is necessarily mutually exclusive.
Do you not find it interesting that, what with all the PR and all the Spin and all the Astroturf and all the in-pocket media members they have at their disposal pretty much 24/7, the wizards are still so scared of one talk show guy who has the occasional guest on that is willing to point out the realities of the actual public record that they felt the need to have him fired/silenced/censored?
‘Let the Fire Teach Us’: How L.A. Is Building Back Better
55 minutes ago
The Great Handlers from on High, saw everything that they had made, and behold, it was very good. The wine flowed and was sweet, the Land shone with glittering Edifices. Great Potentates from all Lands visited and were visited. Ceremonial vestments were dawned and the Scribes busied themselves with tales of Great Feasting.
A Great Restlessness was with the People and like locusts, the hungry were sure to wrest back the spoils of the Victors. The Great Handlers considered this, and searched the Land for the Chosen One.
And so, from the Darkness emerged a Judas-Prophet to lead the People back to the Promised Land. His name is Truth and
Repentence. The people raised their heads to gaze upon this Strangeness, that spoke for Them. His name is Martyn.
Wayback Machine draws a blank on Martyn Brown and Ian Jessop*/
March 17, 2016:
Press is being Muzzled by the Government Party in contravention of the Charter of Rights, Canada, not China yet.
Under section 2 of the Charter , Canadians are free to follow the religion of their choice. In addition, they are guaranteed freedom of thought, belief and expression. Since the media are an important means for communicating thoughts and ideas, the Charter also protects the right of the press and other media to speak out. Our right to gather and act in peaceful groups is also protected, as is our right to belong to an association such as a trade union.
This matters. And it should be news. Do a Google search and see who is reporting this news. It isn’t the traditional news media.
I suggest the individuals still working in that traditional news media are scared stiff to raise the alarm because of fear they’re next if they raise their heads.
Journalists living under military dictatorships have an excuse for their silence; namely self-preservation. That’s quite different from the reason on display here; namely self-interest.
I got in on the phoneline after it was busy for 15 minutes. I had to pretend an interest in the topic at hand, casinos. I managed to get in a quick question before they cut me off, "what happened to Ian Jessop? I think the station owes us an explanation." He did not answer the question, so I emailed the manager and announced my boycott.
1PM, 27 minutes in...
Then I got this from the news director, by email. She called me Paul...
"Hi Paul,
We’ve made a programming decision to change our talk show lineup, and the hosts involved, and will be taking our new lineup on the air this coming Monday. Ian won’t be a part of the lineup going forward, but I do believe we have a very strong group of people working on our talk shows and that we will continue to deliver the news and talk that matters to our listeners.
Heather Kim"
I do believe the B.C. Lieberals and the people who run them have figured out a lot of people are pissed about Christy and what they consider her corruption. go to a hair salon and mention her.....ah, didn't know that many people paid attention anymore, but they do. not happy. so every body who might tell the truth, has got to go. Jessop was one too many.
I am happy for Laila and her new gig with Government Radio Chorus, but like I said Shaw Glowbul can't be trusted I hope this is not a ploy to neuterlze her or some other devious ploy,where's Jessop,Drex.Jon and Simi yes the rest rubbish N.W might lift there ass out of the Clarke and co Sewer
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