And why not?
After all....
Why should the BCL government (and a closed circle of their closest cronies) be the only beneficiaries of all that regressive shifting of the tax burden onto the backs of those citizens that can afford it least?
R. Zussman and M. Laanela of the MoCo have the story.
Here is their lede:
The B.C. Chamber of Commerce is calling on the provincial government to replace the PST and with a new tax — but chamber members are not calling it the HST.
Instead, the business leaders are calling for a "value added tax."
"Our members are not looking to revisit the HST or the debate that went in to harmonizing with the federal sales tax," said Dan Baxter, the chamber's director of policy development.
The unpopular HST was brought in by former premier Gordon Campbell after the 2009 election, and was eventually dismantled after it was rejected in a referendum in 2011...
Subheader got you all earwormy?....This.
Saving Surf Breaks to Fight Climate Change
2 hours ago
Sigh. HST and VAT are the same slippery slope. They are really trying to wear us down. Back to the signature collecting we will go then. Where did I put my clipboard?
If only the working class had half the persistence as the C of C slime balls when it comes to our agenda.
Easy, Beer, they do their campaigning on our dime. We do our campaigning on our dime and our time. In the vernacular of the best of the Port Alberni waterfront, it sucks, motherfucker.
Indeed it does.
It's in the mail.
Your clipboard, I mean
You made a decision on a new canine yet?
The nominee to be the new canine has not yet been declared presumptive.
Sounds like the super-delegates might be a problem.
I'm sure it is just coincidence that this VAT proposal is announced just as Gordon Campbell has cleared his calendar ;)
Ross K, I found it. I'm ready. Beer, take your time, I know what its like to lose a hammer. PS Love you all, not Campbell though. Who could love that? Oh, yeah....
Sure...ok....let's do that....but lets also invoke a corollary tax. If said member of the Chamber of Commerce doesn't actually add value to something, but flogs it for a profit then we get a credit when we purchase. Same goes for any Chamber of Commerce member that flogs junk that is not built to last, not only do they issue us a credit, they lose their license to extract any more of the Earth's resources until such time they demonstrate they have put them to good use and truly added value in the long run. Does the government pay PST on consultant fees, feasibility studies, advertising contracts, IT contracts...etc? If so, I can see how there would be a big saving there. Not much value added.
I run a small business. However - I can't ever endorse the outright greed and lack of any form of social conscience the COC spews out. I paid for one year as a member company in the CFIB until I realized they're the same shit, just a different turd. Every time these buffoons decide they need to rise up and scream when a much needed minimum wage hike is put up, they make me retch with disgust. I have no problem with profit, but there's profit and there's that selfish beyond belief greed that those "organizations" represent. Fook 'em!
How about a Silent, Harmonized, Integrated Tax?
It would be added to the product or service before the sale. The product or service might be 12% Silent, Harmonized, Integrated Tax — but the consumer wouldn't realize it.
Labelling would be fun: "12% Silent, Harmonized, Integrated Tax has been added to this product before sale." I'm sure someone would soon come up with a catchy abbreviation...
A tax is a tax is a tax. Most takes are regressive in nature for the common folk, and usually are enabled by the politicians who are heavily supported by the well to do, that are well organized. The eradication of the "greed" concept particularly in this province, as it pertains to capitalist ideology and BC Liberal methods, is and should be a high priority of every British Columbian. Sadly, the manipulation of the populace by the MSM and Liberal propaganda machine, clouds this issue in the extreme.
Profits derived from a managed, regulated and "fair" economy are not a problem for most of us. Unbalanced, manipulated, politically interfered with and outright corrupt laws and policies that are used to drive a "deranged" economy on the backs of the common folk, is an economy that benefits a very few.
This must and will end. History proves that greed and ignorance are the end of corrupt governance. All tyranny ends, the fools devour themselves...
We are almost there...
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