First there was the stenography report by the Postmedia's number two man in sick society town that was apparently based on the highly prized and completely unbiased notes of one Ms. Mary Polak...
Speaker Darryl Plecas called an investigation conducted by the former chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada “pathetic” and said she was “stupid” for having listened to the accused men, according to the Opposition Liberal house leader who was in the room at the time and took notes of the conversation.
Liberal house leader Mary Polak released 16 pages of detailed notes she took during a Wednesday meeting with Plecas, Green house leader Sonia Furstenau and NDP MLA Gary Begg.
In them, Plecas railed against the report by former chief justice Beverley McLachlin and promised to use B.C.’s police act to conduct his own probe into alleged wrongdoing involving officials in the building...
Then came Big Rich's attempt to turn the wurlitzer's crank...
Based on the comments, Mr. Coleman's gambit did not work.
How sad for the former Minister of Everything.
Getting ready to climb back into the cigar tube for the final cross country sardining of the season...That plan to save 'Bohemian Rhapsody' for last on the monopoly mongers' AV feed is looking pretty good right about now...
Update: Here is a decidedly non-stenographic account from Jon Woodward of CTV in which he actually uses independent facts to fisk the notes of the good Ms. Polak....And, yes, the #@*$in' plane is late!
NOAA: The Biggest Little Agency in America
23 minutes ago
I'm not certain about his tactics, but it is refreshing to see someone standing up to the "club" in Victoria. And while I'm not in the loop on what is transpiring behind the scenes, I can't help but cheer the Speaker on!
Hey Glen--
According to Bob Mackin the latest Liberal show trial balloon was actually a last minute attempted coup that fizzled when many members left early to head for home pre-Ledge closing.
After all...There are only so many seats on the Thursday afternoon Helijet.
Of course, the Opposition isn't landing many blows on the government, their Leader is unpopular, so might as well create a lot of noise (with Media support) about the 'unfair' Speaker. They were in high dudgeon over the Clerk, Haven't heard an apology after the Speaker's allegations were corroborated.
Fair enough--
And I see your cigar tube and raise you one preferred loading call*
Plane further delayed...Even the Stewardii sitting next to me are not amused.
*To be clear, there are no upgrades in Science Geek Class (public, non-Pharma division, of course)
There appeared to be coordinated attacks by BC Liberals and Postmedia elders in the Press Gallery. Their anger with Speaker Darryl Plecas dates to his comments at the infamous meeting that preceded Christy Clark's announcement that the party and caucus was behind her 100%.
Someone leaked that information and Bob Mackin was quick to put it out to the public.
The nasty response from Liberals probably planted seeds of his departure and, when he did leave to become Spar, his old party got even angrier. But they probably didn't anticipate Plecas interfering with the cozy club running the Legislature.
There may have been a too-close relation between certain political reporter-commentators and people in charge of Legislature management. That might explain the recent outrage of Plecas' performance. More than a little CYA is going on.
Hadn't thought of the proMedia/ledge management angle, but it makes some sense...particularly in light of the Dean's latest attempt to diffuse...errr...trivialize the situation by trumpeting 'balance'.
Or some such Deanspeak thing....Sheesh.
Rich Coleman? He should have a talk with Ontario's David Livingston on the perils of deleting documents. Hey, maybe the hard drives contain some info on Laura Miller?
When Rich Coleman says on Twitter
"Speaker Darryl Plecas survives a day of chaos in the legislature"
Is 'CHAOS' the BC Liberals who walked out of the Legislature or best described as the 'formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe.'?
Bob Mackin asks:
Why did Dan Ashton flip the script?
"The Penticton MLA was the only BC Liberal to deviate from the script. And the only BC Liberal to send a message to his own leader while doing so."
what a wonderful note to end the t.v. series on. we can hardly wait for next season.
Based on nothing, I've always suspected Plecas knows where a lot of bodies are buried or some such thing. to ensure nothing gets too buried in future he wants to establish a set procedure for record keeping. Makes perfect sense to me. of course to those who like double and triple delete and their own versions or a version their favourite pundit spins people like Plecas are to be vilified and gotten rid of.
the b.c. leibercons who try to do their outrage things might want to get some acting lessons this summer, because their act just isn't believable.
fly carefully.
Ah yes, Mary Polak. I remember her and her BFF that got into all sorts of problems in PG with respect to... car sales business if aged memory serves me correctly... and desperately needed a job that paid a suitable wage for a BFF of an MLA and suddenly ended up with nice gig in the BC Govt in a management position (please someone remind me but it seems it was the Human Resources area: you know - welfare) which I guess was rather appropriate doncha think?
Anyhoo - the shite kinda hit the proverbial fan and I think the jet kinda happened and - ah, I don't know where Mary was able to get him a soft landing, but the folks in PG probably know.
Bottom line is that one shouldn't put too much confidence in anything our Mary opines or our ex-Minister of everything, Richie says either. After all, nothing's on record, right?
Google search: "Vaughn Palmer on Rich Coleman Abortion"
Rich Coleman:
“We have to value life at all ages, from birth to its natural end. The fact that somebody wants to do things with the right to life at the end of life, or the right to life at the beginning of life, is totally, totally wrong for me.”
and on the ALR
“I have never seen a more bigoted piece of legislation,” the 23-year veteran MLA told the House. “Particularly on a day like today when we witnessed people whose rights were taken apart and away from them in the 1940s.”
In the old days (two years ago), when Coleman sat on the Government side of the Legislature, he had constant support from his handlers on how to rein in his personal beliefs upon the general public. Why else was he required to sit to the right of MLA Premier Christy Clark?
Comments like he is now making would have brought down her government.
How long has this been going on for?
No wonder Jason Kenney and the rest of the BC Liberals are worried!
Nfld. & Labrador 12.4%
P.E.I. 9%
Nova Scotia 6.5%
New Brunswick 7.2%
Québec 5%
Ontario 5.2%
Manitoba 5%
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Point taken Anon-Above.
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