I'm just about to climb into the goddamned cigar tube and then will be forced to endure 48 hours in the windowless science geek dungeon with little to no natural light and bad coffee for the duration.
Which means I'll probably not hear about whether or not we'll get a public inquiry into the Whaling Industry and all that entails until well after the fact.
But, before I go, I feel compelled to say something about the Dean's missive wherein he concludes the following, in his kicker, sans, you know, actual...
...(W)hen cabinet meets next Wednesday, I expect the New Democrats will brush past any last-minute reservations and get on with a public inquiry whose main purpose is political...
Sure, Mr. Palmer does quote David Eby saying this:
...Eby would like everything wrapped up in two years. He sees an inquiry as an exercise in “political accountability … who made the decisions, who benefited, why did they make those decisions?”...
Which isn't the same thing.
As the Dean's kicker, I mean.
But here's the thing...
I don't give a hoot-in-heckfire if there are no convictions, or even additional blockbuster-type evidence.
Because, at the very least, I want the perpetrators (starting with Vader, Darth) to be publicly shamed by their words, actions and deeds that facilitated the flow of corrupted billions into the province that is killing our kids' dreams, not to mention our body politic.
Cartoon UCS #43: Concord Pacific at the Comedy Club
5 minutes ago
sounds like a vice movie sequal
big money-RUSH
It will be expensive but worth it, as long as people are forced to testify, otherwise, a waste of time. About time the real drivers of the system are held responsible.
i'm sure Palmer isn't interested in an inquiry. what if people get up and testify they sent information to the MSM who didn't use it as news? well until the B.C. Lieberals were out of office, hey there Sam Cooper and the Vancouver Sun. it wasn't like the information wasn't there before.
Once was against an inquiry as a waste of money, but then the leg. money matters came up and it just too much. Want an inquiry, with out sider running it, with supenoa powers, We the taxpaying voters need to know who started this, who let it go on, who got all the money, who put it where so IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AGAIN.
Laws will have to changed not only in B.C. but nationally and it needs to be done carefully and quickly.
No one can make me believe the press, politicians and police didn't know about this. Some of this has been going on since the 1980s in one form or another. If I knew, any one would have known. This province turned a blind eye to all sorts of things starting with the 49 women Pickton killed.
Why did Christy Clark disband some rcmp units. what did big rich know. what did the opposition, of the day know and what did they try to do.
WE had an opoid crisis and Christy Clark wouldn't even ban pill presses. HOW COME. Alberta did.
Its not a mystery who runs the drug trade in this province. after 30 years haven't seen many go to jail. how come people were never arrested and tried for selling fent. it was murder, they knew what they were making, selling, etc. Now we are left with the problem, which will continue for another 30 years. I WANT AN INQUIRY
o.k enough of my rant, thank you.
In hindsight, Rich Coleman ..... might say something like this at the inquiry
"A It's impossible for me to answer that question. Gambling has become so seductive in North America for governments and if I may take off a political hat and put on a social scientist hat I lament very much this dream machine that had been created by the monster.
There was a study recently showing that almost one-third of Canadians buy lottery tickets in hopes of winning enough for their retirement
rather than save through the RRSPs or other means.
In hindsight -- hindsight is always very good, in terms of hindsight on policy I've already said early on I regretted very much the move that I made. But for governments to regret it today is for governments to cut off an umbilical cord with a monster that provides them money
- Late Dave Barrett 1999
Smith Inquiry on Gambling
here you go......
Didn't see anywhere orhave heard yet if charges can be laid if the evidence points to it.
charges could be laid if the statue of limitations hasn't run out. Of course the RCMP MIGHT HAVE TO INVESTIGATE and if its left to them it is doubtful much will happen. Its not like they've done much this century, well with that 20 yr contract......
part of the problem in b.c. is we have the rcmp and we see how well that has been working out. Lets hope crown PROSECUTORS file charges. there is no reason they could not. Eby I'm sure will be more than happy to deal with it. I'm sure there will be more information to follow.
Neither of the 3 looked happy at the press conference.
Thanks All--
Just escaped the bunker and on way to OttaWash airport for cigartube ride home.
Looks like good news...So...Has anyone chased down Cookie Dough Mike and/or Big Rich for comment?
Ayup Ross,
found a comment from rich,
nothing from De Jong so far.
Got it.
Thanks Keith!
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