The Dipper-mandated investigation of staff harassment at that casino with its own Canada Line station down at the edge of the Big Muddy is out and Bob Mackin has the fully story over at the Breaker.
Here are a few pull quotes from Uncle Bob's very thorough report:
...The Project Guardian report by Paladin Security senior investigator Jared Brin, commissioned by B.C. Lottery Corporation in November 2017, was published May 1 with the names of complainants redacted. The report said those who gambled with more money at the Great Canadian Gaming-owned casino were cut slack, even when those high-rollers misbehaved and harmed staff...
...“Two individuals told us that a manager or supervisor explicitly told them that they are to acknowledge and actively facilitate a different standard of behaviour for VIP patrons as compared to non-VIP patrons. According to several dealers and supervisors, verbal abuse bordering on uttering threats occurs daily, if not hourly,” said the 37-page report...
...Paladin was originally hired to examine complaints of sexual harassment by high rollers against staff, but it found problems much worse: at least 18 instances of documented physical assaults and at least seven instances of assault with weapons, at least four reported patron-on-staff instances of sexual harassment, and at least four unreported staff-on-staff instances of sexual harassment.
Paladin found one case of a table games dealer who had been threatened with death by a player, but the suspect was given only a 24-hour ban. Respondents said managers discouraged table games dealers from reporting assaults with unspecified weapons to the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch and RCMP...
It really is beginning to look like Big Rich and his very Fine Friends in High Rolling Places built the local Lotuslandian Whaling Tank Laundry Industry by completely dismantling oversight at the front end, the back end and all points in between.
And, of course, damn the consequences.
Imagine that!
In case anyone interested missed it...
NOAA: The Biggest Little Agency in America
28 minutes ago
“The article I read by Sam Cooper was very troubling,” Weaver said.
“I think more than ever we need a public inquiry. You will find our caucus will start raising this issue more and more over the next few days. We are getting troubled about the lack of movement on this issue.”
“B.C. Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson blames the lack of prosecutions on the current government. It has long been argued that widespread money laundering took off under the Liberals’ watch and there were no prosecutions under their watch either.
‘British Columbians want to see prosecutions,’ Wilkinson said.
“A public inquiry won’t lead to prosecutions. Let’s find the bad guys, prosecute them and hopefully put them in jail. There has been a lot of talk and not a lot of action. We have seen all these stories put out by the NDP and there have been no results. It’s time for results.”
“I think that what we need to do is stamp it out. We’ve taken steps, based on Peter German’s first report, to clean up the casino sector, but there’s much more work to do, and I just don’t know what the value is of going back two, three decades — or two decades, in this case — and saying, ‘Hey, that’s where it started,' Horgan said.”
Sam Cooper had a spinner on Dead Dog 98 as an opener for their 8 AM so-called news. He announced the money laundering/fentanyl crisis was the fault of the NDP because in 1997 they allowed the baccarat limit to be raised from $25 to $500. He didn't raise the electioneering fib Gordon Campbell made when he announced they were not going allow further gambling in BC. RG
I should have specified yesterdays, May 2nd, newscast.
Regardless the goodness, badness or the banality of the evil you can't fix anything if you don't identify the root causes...Is it the expanded limits, the dismantling of IGET, the revolving door cronyism from BCLC to and from the Whaling Industry?...The dismantling of any and all regulatory oversight?...All of the above?...Something else?
Thanks RG--
Have been off in the woods at a science geek retreat the last couple of days and missed that.
Very good questions, RossK.
Just think; had a public corruption inquiry (for which the NDP surely knew there was much fodder) been established In the fall of 2017, we would have the answers in hand by now. Instead we have Mr. German’s facile reports, which surprise no one, especially those in the Ministry of Attorney General. Useful perhaps for Mr. Horgan to pretend he’s doing something, but extremely impotent in terms of holding anyone to account for anything.
Much to the delight of the BC Liberals and their cronies Mr. Horgan appears to have a predilection for wet noodles.
Excellent point Lew--
Really makes you wonder if L. Krogh would have prevailed in initiating a Railgate inquiry if the Dippers had won in 2013.
I approached Mr. Krog multiple times in writing during the summer of 2013 concerning the deal to end the BC Rail trial. I found him very unhelpful other than as an example supporting my conviction that it is possible to earn a law degree without possessing common sense. A Mr. Wilkinson and a Mr. Plant have since provided similar assistance.
Mr. Krog told me that although he and the NDP considered the BC Rail matter “dead”, he would go to his grave believing there was something wrong with the way it “went down”.
There are those who have in fact gone to their graves believing the same thing. The difference is that unlike Mr. Krog they all did their damndest to expose the wrongdoing and the wrongdoers until they ran out of time. I refer to individuals like Ian Reid, BC Mary, Rafe Mair, and Merv Adey.
John Horgan honoured them with words after their passing. It’s time he honoured them with some action.
Aaaahhhh....Thanks for that Lew...All anybody had to do is read what was in the binders that Mr. Krog released.
Good point re: the need for action.
Always said the NDP would wear this and its started. When Sam and the rest started using the term "government" instead of the B.C. Lieberals and or the names of el gordo, Christy, big Rich, etc. I suspected the fix was in.
Here we go. It wasn't the fault of the B.C. Lieberals it was all the fault of the NDP. Just watch them spin it.
Horgan had better get in front of this before they bury him with it and that goes for Eby also. He may not have been in government but some way they will tie him to it also.
As to Green Weaver, if he wants the B.C. Lieberals back in office and him outside the door he can keep it up, just as he is doing. Of course weaver is just a B.C. Lieberal in a shabby suite. Lets hope his two co horts are't sucked into this or they too could be toast.
Weaver's position could also be about the impending election in Nanaimo tomorrow.
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