Monday, June 20, 2022

Rabbit Holes As Far As The Eye Can See...


The following is from NDP MP Charlie Angus writing in Policy Magazine:
...I remember the moment I got dragged down the rabbit hole of the WEF conspiracy theory. During the blockades, I was suddenly inundated with messages from retired teachers, young mothers and angry dads about how Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) controlled the Trudeau government. The speed with which this theory moved from the margins of Reddit chat forums to becoming an apparent obsession will all manner of ordinary Canadians was staggering. And then it was being validated in Parliament.

On February 19, MP Colin Carrie used his time during a debate to make claims about Klaus Schwab and his “subversive” organization “infiltrating” the Liberal government. I called out Carrie for using Parliament as a place to promote disinformation. That intervention touched off a barrage of backlash. Within the hour, my office was overwhelmed with calls, threats and abuse, accusing me of being an agent of the WEF trying to shut down the truth. We still get calls every day...

Mr. Angus is clearly not shy when it comes to the hurly-burly of normal political discourse. 

However, in reading his piece you can clearly see that political normality is rapidly disappearing down algorithmically-drilled and political expediency back-filled rabbit holes everywhere.


1 comment:

Graham said...

Definitely not Watership Down but…
“Why you wasciwy wabbit!”.
“ Sshhhh, be vewy, vewy qwiet. I’m hunting wabbits”.
“Come over hewe you scwewy wabbit!”.
“Say your pwayers wabbit!”.