Saturday, April 18, 2009

Campaign Day 5 (cont'd)....Solving All Of Ms. James 'Green' Problems.




Just propose to build a new soccer stadium on top of the 'Green' roof of that bloody billion dollar 'White Elephant on the Waterfront' (a.k.a. 'The Convention Center').

And as added bonuses.....

#1) Mess'rs Kerfoot and Lenarduzzi will get what they really want.

#2) Ms. James will save hundreds of millions of dollars of our money by cancelling the CondoKing-fuelled, dumbasshattery known as the BC Place 'refurbishment'.

#3) All those SouthSiders will stop bombing me with hate mail for having the temerity to point out said dumbasshattery.


Image at top of post by me....taken while on a break from a science-geekian snoozefest held at one of the older money hotels on the waterfront earlier this week.


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