Friday, April 03, 2009

Has Gregor Gone Gordo?


Well, Rod Mickleburgh, musing in his must read, end of the week notebook dump, thinks it just might be true:

"With just 39 days to go before the provincial troop to the polls, Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson is emerging as a possible surprise booster of none other than Gordon Campbell. Since assuming office last December, the former NDP MLA seems to have shed his previous distaste for the governing Liberals.

His introduction of Mr. Campbell at this week's Sport and Environment Conference might have dripped from the backroom pen of Patrick ("I'm no lobbyist") Kinsella.

"He's going for the three-peat," enthused the self-proclaimed "green jock," referring to Gordo's bid for a third consecutive majority in May. "He already had a three-peat as mayor [of Vancouver], and he left a legacy of good decisions we have enjoyed and continue to build on.".......

Say it ain't so Gregor.....Say it ain't so....

The real irony, of course, is the fact that His Gordness skipped the Kinseller-Feller Grilling by the Opposition for the third day in a row when he ducked out of the Ledge to attend this blockbuster of a conference.


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