Steven Chase, in the Globe, has the story. Here's his lede:
Three experienced partisan strategists from across Canada’s political spectrum are going into business together to offer advice on influencing government decisions in Ottawa and provincial capitals.
Brian Topp, a key adviser to former NDP leader Jack Layton during the party’s 2011 “Orange Crush” election breakthrough, is joining forces with Don Guy, the mastermind behind departing Ontario Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty’s ballot victories, and Conservative strategist Ken Boessenkool, who most recently served as chief of staff to B.C. Premier Christy Clark.
The firm, Kool, Topp & Guy Public Affairs, will announce its creation on Friday...
Is there anything, exactly, that these guys believe in other than, say.....
Interesting, don't you think, that Mr. Boessenkool isn't actually using his full, googlable, name, eh?...Also interesting that Mr. Chase, in his Globe report, does not mention why this particular Wizard is no longer in the employ of Mr. Clark...
Recently, I had a very interesting exchange with a reader (see comment thread at the bottom of this post) who believes that Independents are the way forward...I more fully appreciate his anti-party cynicism given the fact that Mr. Topp is, apparently, currently running the A Dix campaign here in Lotusland...
And So It Begins...
15 minutes ago
Ken Boessenkool???
HHhhhmmm wonder what kind of advice Ken would offer??? maybe what not to do with or to a staffmember, nono i know what your thinking, not his staff, but a female underling. You would think when you have to resign your position in disgrace that you would try to stay out of the limelight for a while. Jesus christ don't these assholes have any morals? uh wrong word we already know he does not! and sorry for grouping him in with assholes, they are way above this POS!
Strategy? We don't need no stinkin' strategy. We need people that develop government policy that is good for the province and its residents. Why would strategy be needed? It is defined as "all about gaining (or being prepared to gain) a position of advantage over adversaries or best exploiting emerging possibilities".
Good policy is good policy and does not need a sell job. I would much rather these people put their efforts into something productive rather than sneaking around in the bushes with the sole purpose of keeping "The Party" members employed on the taxpayers dime.
I don't think you can use the words strategy and integrity in the same sentence.
I do know for sure things like IPP's are getting pushed through with little formal opposition from the opposition.
Independants? Sounds better all the time.
Having Kool involved with anyone that has anything to do with people I have started to support is not want I want to hear.
Kool Topp Guy Public Affairs? There's something of a personal ad quality to it...
I already sent Topp an email...he is clearly off his meds if he thinks this is appropriate.
More clowns to the trough....kool, useless a pathetic disgrace....strategy, you mean more "conning the public" out of taxpayer dollars.
Totally amazes me why we the public put up with this garbage. Mouthpieces to tell the politicians what to say and when.
Your constituents are supposed to be who you work for...not the party, the leader, or a bunch of backroom
Maybe a larger number of parties and independents would make for a better mix of politics in this province. The party setup as its setup does not work for the electorate albeit the taxpayer at all.
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