Apparently, it is a most loss of memory when it comes to various and assorted sundry items that took place in his Gordnesses' Golden Era.
The following is from Andy Hoffman's nice bit of investigative business reporting in the Globe a couple of days ago:
The B.C. Liberal Party’s new candidate in a Vancouver riding was once the legal representative of a company controlled by controversial Chinese businessman Ni Ritao (and his company Sun Wave), whose broken promises regarding plans to restart a shuttered pulp mill in Prince Rupert have cost the city more than $3.5-million in legal and maintenance fees...
{snippety doo-dah}
...In an interview, Mr. Wilkinson said he had met Mr. Ni in the past, but couldn’t recall when, where or how many times. He said the lawsuit in which he acted for Sun Wave was related to the equipment on the pulp mill site. “There was one lawsuit where I was involved dealing with equipment. That is it,” he said.
Mr. Wilkinson served as president of the B.C. Liberal Party between 1999 and 2001 when he joined the the newly elected Liberal government. In 2003, he became the deputy minister for the Ministry of Economic Development. When asked if he had any dealings with Sun Wave in this role, Mr. Wilkinson said, “No. No I think there was a small issue that came up with some environmental liabilities but nothing of any significance I remember.”
However, a five-page letter written by Mr. Wilkinson to the president of Sun Wave in July, 2005, suggests he dealt with and provided information to the company on a number of topics including property taxes, forestry matters, immigration questions and environmental issues related to Sun Wave’s plans to purchase the pulp mill.
“The government of British Columbia welcomes your ideas for restarting the Prince Rupert pulp mill, and we will do our best to provide you with clear answers to your various questions,“ Mr. Wilkinson said in the letter in which he indicated to Sun Wave that his ministry hoped “to be ready for a submission to Treasury Board and Cabinet in early September.”
Mr. Wilkinson is just the latest B.C. Liberal to be linked to Mr. Ni and Sun Wave. In 2011, Jobs Minister Pat Bell forwarded an internal government e-mail discussing fraud allegations published in China against Mr. Ni to Mr. Belsey, the vice-president of the B.C. Liberal Party, who also works for Mr. Ni and appears to have lobbied on behalf of Sun Wave. Mr. Belsey, a former MLA, is now being investigated by a provincial watchdog for failing to register as a lobbyist...
Imagine that!
And we note, with interest, that the other MLA mentioned in Mr. Hoffman's pice, who does have a legitimate health issue, will also soon be gone from the scene.
And....It hasn't escaped our attention that Mr. Brown's once impaired memory regarding various and assorted sundry things Golden Era'ed sure have improved as he has become media-ubiquitous recently....
And So It Begins...
15 minutes ago
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