There is likely no safer BC Liberal Party seat in British Columbia than Quilchena, even if the Party does end-up becoming little more than an overcooked rump roast on May 15th.
It is currently Colin Hansen's seat, but he's stepping down because he had absolutely nothing to do with the HST.
Or some such thing.
And, as we noted the other day, recent BCL mouthpiece, failed mayoral candidate, and former longterm NPA alderwoman/Smilin' Sammy' spear carrier Suzanne Anton was frantically ringing up old-fashioned, ward heelerish-type endorsements in the well-heeled riding over the weekend.
Unfortunately, all that blizkrieg-boppin', hoppin' and slammin' down of those endorsement's, one after the other, on the Twittmachine didn't quite work out in the end.
Because Ms. Anton got whacked by her own crowd this evening.
As a result, Andrew Wilkinson, a man of many talents, including an ability to serve it up appartchik style for his Gordness in those early, heady slash-and-burn days of the 'Golden Era', won the day.
The VSun's Cheryl Chan, working the late Sunday night Creme-Ville desk, has the story:
Vancouver lawyer Andrew Wilkinson is the new B.C. Liberal candidate for the riding of Vancouver-Quilchena.
Wilkinson won the riding at a nomination meeting at Prince of Wales Secondary Sunday, beating former Vancouver councillor Suzanne Anton...
{snippety doo-dah}
...Wilkinson, a partner at McCarthy Tétrault, is also a licensed doctor, a Rhodes scholar, past-president of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, and past-president of the B.C. Liberal party.
Before he joined the law firm in 2006, Wilkinson served as deputy minister for the B.C. Ministry of Economic Development and deputy minister for intergovernmental relations under former premier Gordon Campbell...
Where will Ms. Always Campaigning take her act now we wonder?
And So It Begins...
27 minutes ago
Ross K, you left out the best part of Cheryl Chan story, it`s down at the bottom..
The BC Liberals have dropped the reference to Christy Clark from their logo, while the NDP have added Adrian Dix to theirs..
Now that is funny..
You do know what the new BC Liberal logo is don`t you?
[not yesterdays Liberals]
Now that is funny
If Quilchena's a safe BC Liberal seat, I'm glad Anton didn't get it. I temper my admitted bias by noting there are as yet plenty of ridings just begging for a BC Liberal nominee...OK, maybe not very safe ones...; perhaps Ms Anton could apply for one of those; if that one doesn't pan out, she can simply try at the next one. And so on.
With Pat Bell gone...
Suzanne Anton can now 'bring democracy' to Prince George!
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