Can somebody please explain to me what, exactly, is even remotely 'collective' about this:
VANCOUVER - British Columbia has legislated its striking paramedics back to work.
After an all-night session at the provincial legislature, Bill 21 was passed, officially ending a strike that began in April.
Paramedics had still been working during the strike under an essential-services order from the provincial government.
The province moved to legislate the 3,500 paramedics back to work with less than a month to go in the current legislative session - the last regular sitting of the house before the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
The settlement outlined in the Ambulance Service Collective Agreement Act reflected the offer made to the union in September.....
I have no idea where this idea came from (ie. it arrived in a brown paper envelope wrapped in a riddle tied-up with an enigma and stuffed in a Funk and Wagnall's tin padded with Eat More bars on Halloween night) but.....
What if if a few thousand Five-Ringed Circus Tent Volunteers were to secretly (or not-so secretly via that evil Book of the Faces) get together and decide to stage a symbolic (and fleeting) sitdown strike for the cameras during, say, the Ceremonies of the Opening?
The image above, I believe, is from that rally for then dead MLA-guy walking, Stonewally Oppal, in Tsawwassen, during the last provincial election campaign where Premier Gordon Campbell's fully-twitterized bus pulled up WITHOUT him on it.....Why?.....Because the chicken-hearted anti-collectivist collaborator was sneaking in through the back door to avoid upset constituents and paramedics exercising their democratic right to peaceable assembly out front....Oh, wait.....maybe it was Courtenay.....
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