Saturday, November 07, 2009

Welcome Back.....Rick!


First it was Alex G. Tsakumis making the move to our little corner of the Bloggodome.

And now it's Rickey Barnes, who is making a move back to the the Fever Swamps of Lotuslandia.

Here's what Rick had to say about the latest Stealth-Con candidate, Diana Dilworth, who is 'allegedly' running in next week's New Westminister-Coquitlam by-election:

Burquitlam Residents Association a group that has hosted all-candidates meetings for elections at all levels has been told to drop dead by Diana Dilworth, the Federal Conservative candidate for New Westminster—Coquitlam federal riding. It's the same game the Conservatives have been playing in the general elections. Avoid the scrutiny of the public where ever possible.

I just hope the folks that vote in the riding listen to what she is not saying. It's the same message that Stephen Harper is giving us today.



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