On the matter of what that very fine Astroturf group that calls itself 'British Columbians for (nolongerinternational) Prosperity' has been up to with their recent robocall-driven 'polling' blitz, Mychaylo Prystupa has a good piece up at the VObserver site. Here's a most interesting tidbit:
...(BC4Prosperity's) executive director – retired oil executive Bruce Lounds – vehemently denied the voter polling when asked about it early Tuesday morning.
“That’s absolutely not true. I can tell you that flat out,” saidLounds. “We’re polling about Northern Gateway and general resource development. It’s for our own internal use, to develop campaigns, or to provide information to people.”
But by Tuesday afternoon, when asked to explain the difference in stories, the group’s communications representative – Alise Mills – sent an e-mail stating:
“We also asked about people’s voting intention – if an election were held today which party they would vote for.”
“We think there is a myth that development is a left-wing versus right-wing issue – and we wanted to dig into this,” wrote Mills.
“Canadians and British Columbians like natural resource development. They just are not 100 per cent [supportive] on Northern Gateway."...
I'm sure these efforts by the good Ms. Mills will be mentioned next time she shows up on either CBC television or radio to tell us about the body politic and in British Columbia.
And while we're on the subject, sort of, maybe someone could dig into who is fronting BC4Prosperity the cash to pay for its robodialers, spokespeiople, spoon-benders and all that...
Because a great and prosperous man himself once said...
You know.
Cult of personality
1 hour ago
Has anyone else spotted that every time there is a NEWS report, deadly news report eg. Nanaimo shootings, the video reports on each incident is held back until the advertising is done... and lately that has been Northern Gateway and Enbridge advertising.
When will the pipeline corporations realize that the Doom and Gloom breaking stories, paid advertising by them, just reminds the Public that there something worse to come?
Sorry Anon-Above--
Was a nice play on words but these fine folks have denied the connection.
If we can find one then I'll be happy to put it back up.
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