First there was the stenography report by the Postmedia's number two man in sick society town that was apparently based on the highly prized and completely unbiased notes of one Ms. Mary Polak...
Speaker Darryl Plecas called an investigation conducted by the former chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada “pathetic” and said she was “stupid” for having listened to the accused men, according to the Opposition Liberal house leader who was in the room at the time and took notes of the conversation.
Liberal house leader Mary Polak released 16 pages of detailed notes she took during a Wednesday meeting with Plecas, Green house leader Sonia Furstenau and NDP MLA Gary Begg.
In them, Plecas railed against the report by former chief justice Beverley McLachlin and promised to use B.C.’s police act to conduct his own probe into alleged wrongdoing involving officials in the building...
Then came Big Rich's attempt to turn the wurlitzer's crank...
Based on the comments, Mr. Coleman's gambit did not work.
How sad for the former Minister of Everything.
Getting ready to climb back into the cigar tube for the final cross country sardining of the season...That plan to save 'Bohemian Rhapsody' for last on the monopoly mongers' AV feed is looking pretty good right about now...
Update: Here is a decidedly non-stenographic account from Jon Woodward of CTV in which he actually uses independent facts to fisk the notes of the good Ms. Polak....And, yes, the #@*$in' plane is late!
Music Notes
2 hours ago