The Dippers are reinstalling speed cameras in certain intersections for at least one good reason, safety:
...According to the Minstry of Public Safety, around 60 per cent of crashes on B.C. roads are at intersections, and the new cameras will be strategically placed at high-risk intersections best suited to ticketing speeding drivers and changing their behaviours...
Now, like many other government initiatives, there are legitimate reasons to oppose this move.
And a vigorous, fact-based debate about the balance of the merits and demerits could be had.
Of course, that is not the path that the braintrust behind the good ship BC Liberal has decided to take.
Instead they have gone full on base, for the base:
Why do they do this?
Because they know their chances of winning go up in lockstep with the dumbness of the public discourse.
Simple as that.
Please note, Mr. Stone's tweet was not a one off...Other 'prominent' BC Liberals were also on message on this matter.
The 100 Minutes Hate
1 hour ago
I've often wondered if its the pedestrians that are causing all these intersection collisions between cars and posts because motorists are taking their eyes off of the road to focus on ..... the PEDESTRIAN's signal: WALK - DONT WALK sign to count down ....12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, .... CRASH to gauge their chances of getting through the YELLOW light before it turns to RED.
Are ALL intersection YELLOW signals of the same duration no matter the distance between opposing vehicles. eg. Broadway and Burrard vs Georgia and Burrard vs Capilano Road and Marine Drive
If the motorists YELLOW lights are not the same length of time then why not use the same system that pedestrians use, successfully eg. ..... 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 WHEW
The B.C. Lieberals are off the mark and not in touch with the general public. At 5 p.m. I watch CHEK news on Vancouver Island. They frequently run unofficial polls during the news and in theirs on these cameras, people are supportive. Its not a cash grab, the NDP is turning over the proceeds to the communities which have the cameras up. the provincial government isn't making money from the tickets. they will save money on fewer accidents, so ICBC and our medical system aren't having to spend money.
In Nanaimo, the Aulds Road and the Inland Highway intersection has the highest rate of accidents. They can be very serious. Locally it was asked why. Never had given it much thought, its a high volume intersection, with 4 left hand land lights and lanes, its wide open--you can see every thing for a good distance. Travel through it all the time. Then I started watch the other vehicles. I'm keen on not going through an orange or red light, on a left hand turn. You can get broadsided and killed or injuired. What I noticed, was while I was stopping, on average two vehicles were taken a run through. All the major intersections along the Inland Highway going through Nanaimo, have advance lights advising the lights are changing. My thing, is because I love my truck, is slow down and stop. Well guess what? To many drivers, I can only conclude it means speed up, enter the intersection on amber and leave it on red. I've seen more than one body of some who was on a motorcycle on the highway, at an intersection, covered by a tarp. Its not fun there you B.C. Lieberals. It gives first responders and the police PTSD.
these cameras will send a message and people will learn to stop at intersections when they ought to and it will reduce accidents and save lives. Perhaps some of the B.C. Lieberal politicians and their friends need to go have a look at some of the injured or the bodies as they are extracted from vehicles. Really, some ought to take that idiot to see a dead human being laying on the pavement and then let him decide whether they want to sent out a "tweet" like they did.
The roads are more crowded than ever. the carnage increases. Not all of those being injured, some for life, or killed are adult drivers. some of them are children. that ought to be enough. Saving kids from car accidents might be what some could call, Job 1. the NDP is doing the right thing, but then as some of us have believed for a long time, the B.C. Lieberals never did care about children--I do remember Christy Clark deducting nickel for nickel the child support kids got, when their custodial parent was in receipt of disablility, and those children were living at 50% of the poverty line. Upps, the B.c. Lieberals never cared about kids, cut education, closed schools and now want to ridicule an effort to ensure the children aren't killed in car accidents or become orphans. What a bunch of pukes.
Fines are imposed to change bad behaviour, rather than as a government revenue stream. It certainly has to be high enough to make an impact. If it is too small, attitudes will not change. That kind of reminds me of the $200 fine municipalities post for illegal dumping at certain locals, but that does not impede the midnight dumpers. That is probably because the amount hasn't changed in 50 years.
Stone still has knackers in a knot because of his excessive speeding fines.
Photo radar was an effective deterrent, because it made people aware of their reckless behaviour. The more affluent ones of our society objected because they could not race their high-end vehicles at excessive speeds, and many of them were too dumb to recognize that photo radar was always set up at the same place and same time. RG
This would be the same Todd Stone that thought raising the speed limits to 120 KPH was a good idea, until it wasn't when speed related crashes went up. Now dropped to 110 by the dippers.
A perfect candidate for the Dunning - Kruger effect.
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