Former BC Liberal cabinet Minister John Rustad wants everybody to know, despite his recent words and deeds, that he is not a fake news generator.
The MoCo's Betsy Trumpener has the story.
Here's her extremely well-constructed lede:
B.C.'s opposition critic for caribou recovery has clarified a false social media post, days after he stated scientists euthanized 24 endangered mountain caribou in Northern B.C.
"If there's errors and stuff made, I certainly don't want to be part of what would be considered fake news," Nechako Lakes MLA John Rustad told CBC News in an interview. "At the same time, when information like that comes forward, it's a piece of information that's worth sharing."...
So, you might be wondering, what exactly did the good Mr. Rustad do prior to ensure that he did not spread a demonstrable falsehood.
Why, absolutely nothing:
...The euthanasia story "was very shocking to hear," Rustad told CBC News in an interview. "That's why I posted it."...
Rustad said he didn't try to verify the information...
Later, Mr. Rustad decided to divorce himself from his previous deeds and actions by raising the spectre of an apparently beggable question on the Book of Faces:
Imagine that!
The 100 Minutes Hate
1 hour ago
did someone once say in canada the police are investigating when they werent?
did someone once say its a car allowance?
Using Mr. Rustad’s modus operandi and logic on this issue, it seems it would be acceptable for me to post information from my neighbour indicating Mr. Rustad has a fluorescent green penis, and not have to retract that post unless and until “more accurate information is provided”.
non sequitor
dirty cash
he most likely knew blow back was coming or already in progress, so best to "straighten" things out. The caribou thing seems to be a "hot" topic up north.
usually the press tries to find several other sources to confirm a story. guys like him, they just want to flap their gums and try to make the opposition look bad. Its like that line about do something first and apologise later. He ought to know better but the B.C. Lieberals always had their version of the truth/facts and it from time to time varied. This guy reminds me of trump..........but them some of us are of the opinion, the b.c. lieberals had some of trump's act down pat before he even ever got into politics.
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