The Dean of the Lotuslandian legislative press corp, Mr. Vaughn Palmer, has finally awoken (in the wake of great reportage by Lori Culbert et al.) to smell the bogus BC Liberals' surplus land deal coffee.
And what's (almost) the first thing the Dean does?
Why, cast aspersions on the Dippers, of course:
...Given the Liberal fingerprints all over these deals, one might have expected the NDP government to expedite Culbert’s request for information about the other transactions in the Liberals’ ambitious sale of surplus lands...
The 100 Minutes Hate
1 hour ago
Inherent in Mr. Palmer’s statement is his belief that government deliberately manipulates access to information releases for political advantage. That would contravene the duty of the government under access legislation.
A good journalist would provide specific examples that inform his belief.
Awwwww, but Lew...Wouldn't any and all such sources and their examples (if they exist) be protected by Dean-type statutes to ensure insiderness in the extremis the next time around?
he is no longer a dean of anything. there are any number of other newer reporters who out preform Vaughn Palmer any and every day of the week. He drank the B.C. Lieberal cool aid and hasn't ever come back from those days. He and his, in my opinion, yearn for the days of old and hope they come back, when the politicians said nice things about them, had drinks with them and played golf with them. Its not coming back Palmer, so get with the agenda and do your job and that isn't slamming the NDP over every thing and any thing. I'm sure at this time Post Media simply keeps him around because he is a reliable hack and to think Post media is getting $8 to $10Million a year of my taxes dollars to keep guys like Palmer writing this shit.
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