Former ClarkWorld paper-free guy and more recent member of the flack hackery to all stars Ken Boessenkool has weighed in on the hiring of Warren Kinsella by Ms. May and the federal Green team.
You know, all snark aside, I can't help but wonder if this extreme fetishization of the brass political expediency ring is a true indication of the increasing Americanization of our culture.
The 100 Minutes Hate
1 hour ago
BosenKool, Christy Clark’s former chief of staff ( whom she fired due to drunken misbehaviour) was taken onto Adrian Dix’s NDP campaign team which subsequently blew a 20-point lead and lost the election to the one-note LNG bubblehead that resulted in BC suffering an extra four years of BC Liberal perfidy.
Dix’s sterling service as health minister in the current NDP government has made up for all that.
But Ken’s endorsement of Kinsella? I’d be sickened in an ate-too-many-green-apples kind of way if I were a Green.
If "bosenKool" thinks getting Kinsella on board is coup, he missed the boat, in my opinion. demonstrates how out of touch ken is. my take on it is, Kinsella is desperate to be back in the game and the only one willing to hire him were the Greens. He may believe they are the "next big thing". Why the Greens hired Kinsella is beyond me, perhaps they don't have to pay him much. he has carried on some on his blog about how he and Lisa went to volunteer on Hillary Clinton's campaign and on DeBlaiso's. Kinsella, he's a self promoter and he has promoted himself to this new job. May the Greens rest in peace. He is not interested so much in getting the Greens more votes but getting even with Trudeau, who ignored him like yesterday's old news.
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