A couple of weeks ago, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith was interviewed by the very fine ultra-far right US'ian media outlet 'Breitbart News Saturday'.
And, thanks to the digging of Courtney Theriault, who fronts a terrestrial radio talk show for the folks at Corus in Edmonton, we now know that Ms. Smith said that she has spoken to the 'Administration' and has asked them to 'put things on pause' until Canada puts the 'best person' in place as PM.
To wit, word salad and all:
And, thanks to the digging of Courtney Theriault, who fronts a terrestrial radio talk show for the folks at Corus in Edmonton, we now know that Ms. Smith said that she has spoken to the 'Administration' and has asked them to 'put things on pause' until Canada puts the 'best person' in place as PM.
To wit, word salad and all:
"...Pierre Poilievre is the name of the Canadian conservative party leader and he was miles ahead of, uhhhh, Justin Trudeau but because of the, ahhhhh, of what we see as unjust and unfair tariffs it's actually caused an increase in support for the liberals...And so that's what I fear is that the longer this dispute goes on politicians posture and it seems to be benefitting the liberals right now...So I would hope that we could put things on pause is what I have told (presumably Trump) Administration officials...Let's just put things on pause so we can get through an election...Let's have the best person at the table make the argument for how they would deal with (unintelligable)...And I think that's Pierre Polievre..."
But, wait...
That's not all!
Ms. Smith then goes on to tell her Breibartianhandler, errr...interlocutor, about how 'in sync' Mr. Polievere would be with Mr. Trump's 'new direction' for America:
"...I would say on balance the, uhhhh, the perspective that Pierre would bring would be very much in sync, I think, with the new direction in America and I think we'd have a really great relationship for the period of time they're both in (presumably office)..."
Ms. Smith then goes on to tell her Breibartian
"...I would say on balance the, uhhhh, the perspective that Pierre would bring would be very much in sync, I think, with the new direction in America and I think we'd have a really great relationship for the period of time they're both in (presumably office)..."
The reincarnation of a boy band running North America as a single, synchronized far right unit.
Imagine that!
Imagine that!
Image at the top of the post...Ms. Smith with Mr. Trump and potential new boy band manager Kevin O'Leary at Mar-a-Lago in January.
Stephen Maher has more, in the Star, on the story...This includes speculation on how and why Mr. Trump suddenly started spouting off about how he would rather deal with Canadian Liberals than Canadian Cons....Ya, sure thing.
Stuff in brackets in the quotes above is mine.
As i said at the beginning of this (trade) was, Canadian politcans will either be "Churchill's" or "Quislings" and Danielle Smith is definitely the later.
The "Wee P" and the Conservative party of Canada are Trumpian MAGA acolytes and ad Trump is subordinate to Putin, The "Wee P" is subordinate to Trump.
Let us remember, what is the general fate of Quislings...................
Drawn and quartered in days of old.
Didn't this used to be called High Treason?
Like Canada's very own Lord Haw-Haw
I wen't to my local Circle K store to grab a coffee yesterday, I parked in front...While gathering my lotto pick cards before I went in....An old woman, using a cane for assist bumbles by my Red(not maga Dodge truck) ..She smiled at me as she entered the store(I was still in my truck filling out my lotto card)...A minute went by, nobody else was in the convenient store...
So..With lotto card in hand I got out of the truck and walked through Cricle K's entrance.
There appeared to be arguing going on between the old woman with the cane and the East Indian new owner of the Circle K store....The man, the owner, is a very kind man with almost no accent....He's been in Canada for 25 years...Very polite person...Anywho, the store owner is clearly brown-skinned......I walked up to the counter, where the heated one-way argument was going on....Meaning the old woman with the cane was loud, aggressive and self assured as she berated the store owner about how easy illegal immigrants are voting in our Canadian elections multiple times and criminally changing the results...
The old woman never knew I was behind her waiting for service..
The store owner, appearing frustrated drew his glance towards me and spoke..."Yes sir can I help you" ..He was smiling, he's served me many times over the last year and a bit that he's run the store..
The old woman turned around, looked at me, smiled again(perhaps she believed I was maga because I drive a Dodge Ram and it's Sunset Red in color)...To remind, I bought it new, in 2014...meaning pre-Trump era..
I wanted to lash out at the old woman for what she was spewing...However, I paused and let it go...The woman started to leave the counter..she got about 10 feet away, then she turned her head back around and spouted off..."only proper voter ID can stop these illegals from stealing elections" she spouted...Then she left the store...
With the Circle K store still empty except for me and the owner...
I said to him...She's probably mad at the latest polls showing Carney winning, she's probably a Trumper too"....
To which the Franchise owner responded..."She is a Trumper, everytime she comes in she complains about Trudeau and the Liberals, in fact before you came in the store the woman told me that if the federal Liberals win the election Alberta and Saskatchewan are leaving Canada and joining the USA"
Here I initially thought this elderly woman was a normal person, only to find out she's a bitter immigrant blaming not so subtle racist..sigh.
Finally...All those hardcore Canadian maga racists had a majority Conservative government at the tips of their voting fingers...All those CKNW Conservative groomed radio listeners were lusting for and literally tasting a PP Conservative government and now...
Like grains of sand slipping through a hourglass both PP's majority guv and minority guv certainty has turned to dust.
Leaving the PP maga maple hardcore Trumpers reeling, and flailing...
Musings from a Saturday mid morning in a Burnaby B.C. Circle K store(yesterday)
Listening to radio today in BC I was astonished at the pro Conservative narrative from both the CBC and CKNW.
WTF happened?
Personally, I find my self getting REALLY agitated when anyone speaks about becoming an American anything. It is treasonous plain and simple.I think those who proclaim that wish on social media will regret it down the road.Elbows up!
Or Tokyo rose and she escaped the noose.
Does anyone actually listen to Dead Dog 98 or the CBC anymore? NW'98 is now nothing more than a third rate Fox news North and the CBC tend to be on a different planet.
Radio is so passe these days.
Would be interesting if communication with Jamil Javani and JD Vance could be shown.
I gave up 'NW when they gassed Rafe Mair. With Bill Goody Goody, it was clear where the station was going.
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